Our New And Improved Photo Gallery
Our Latest Update Yet On May 14, 2004
This is our gallery of family photos!
Just Updated!! (May 14, 2004)!
WARNING! Photos may take a while to download!
Click to see a Panoramic Photo of our Living Room!
Various Photos of "Uncle Dabit's" Visit, Haden's Birthday and Our New French Doors
Look! New french doors!
David's sweeping our newly installed tiles!
View as you walk in our house now - french doors will be painted white
Trenton and Haden on Haden's 2nd Birthday

"Uncle Dabit" and the kids
Mommy and Haden on his Birthday
Haden opening gifts
Haden scarfing down his Ice Cream Cake! Yum!
Blowing out the candles! (our new french doors in the background :)
Blowing out candles before the candles are fully lit!
Daddy and Haden on his 2nd Birthday!
"Today I learned to color...my FACE!
Haden on his 2nd Birthday and his Finding Nemo Balloon!
Opening more gifts
"This Cake is GOOD!
Trenton sitting on a slide at the park
"Look what I got for my Birthday!"
Me painting our newly renovated stairs
Shannon painting our newly renovated stairs
A Glance at our stairs before the complete renovation! Huge difference!
Look! Collin's grandma came to visit us in Montana!!

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