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Publications and Special Reports
Lu, C. 1999. Organization of Wood Elements in Partially Oriented Flakeboard Mats. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Wood Science, University of British Columbia
Lu, C.; Lam, F. 1999. Random field representation of horizontal density distribution in partially oriented flakeboard mat. Submitted to the Wood Science and Technology in June 1999.
Lu, C.; Lam, F. 1999. Relationship between thickness swelling and mat structures in robot-formed flakeboard mats. Submitted to the Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff in June 1999.
Lu, C.; Lam, F. 1999. Study on the X-ray calibration and overlap measurements in robot-formed flakeboard fats. Wood Science and Technology, 33(2): 85-95
Lu, C.; Steiner, P. R.; Lam, F. 1998. Simulation study of wood-flake composite mats structures. Forest Products Journal, 48(5): 89-93
Lu, C. 1995. Composite mat simulation program (User manual). Department of Wood Science, UBC
Lu, C. 1994. Rubberwood - A new potential raw material for plywood. Chinese Wood Industry
Lu, C. 1991. Discussion on the feasibility of producing LVL with fast-growing small-sized logs. Chinese Wood Industry, (1):37-38
Lu, C. 1990. The accelerated aging tests of laminated veneer lumber. Scientia Silvae Inicae, 26(5):448-451
Lu, C. 1988. LVL - A new type of structural material. China Forest Products Industry, (6):14-18
Lu, C. 1988. Properties of LVL made from small logs of larix gmelinii in relation to RF heating process. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 24(6):422-429