Welcome to CY's Sailor Moon Page.
Updates Section
PST)- Hey, I'm back again, I guess. This time not much
update...I know I have taken a long break, in a deep repose
for a long time...lol... If you wish to exchange ideas with me
or just wanna chit-chat with me (make friends)...online...you
can always email me or if you have MSN messenger...try contact
me via my email cyfeis@hotmail.com
PST)- Hi, well come back to this infamous site once again.
Here I'm just gonna tell you that I've setup a forum in my Games
site so that we can put heads together about my Sailor
Moon S RPG - The Additional Series of S! Yeah, I nigh forgot
to mention that I've just uploaded the fourth version of my
game - the RPG! Do you all know that recently, I have created
an interesting game named 'WAR in the Universe'? You can go
and get it elsewhere... Overjoyed to see my Movie place soar
tremendously! Anyway, just keep on your fantastic cum crucial
job! YEAH!

u have MSN Messenger: Here's my email address- cyfeis@hotmail.com
RPG Forum
Sailor Moon Full Episodes Site
Sailormoon S RPG
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