Taiwan, my dearest home land, has many beautiful scenes. Below are links to some pictures and articles. Please enjoy the beauty of Taiwan!
1.體驗台灣-賞櫻觀霧森呼吸 撰文╱潘美玲 攝影/楊智仁 (Thanks Eric Fang for providing documentation)
2. 清水斷崖 綠島 龜山島 太麻里 蘭嶼 (Thanks Akan Yuan for providing photos)
4. 奧萬大賞楓
前田真三是日本國寶級攝影師, 照片中的地點,應該是北海道的"美瑛",他在那兒花了四十年的光陰,才有這些美麗的照片,各位,你們真的有福ㄌ~~~~ (Thanks Eric Fang for providing photos)
(Click pictures for enlarged photos)