PaKiStAn PaGe
Quick Glance of Facts

Area887,700 sq km (550,374 sq mi)
Population: 150 million
Capital city: Islamabad                                                                                   
Lanugages : Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi, (literate people can communicate                                                                                 in English)
Major industries: Agriculture, Textiles, Cement, Fertilizers , Sport goods,                                               Software.

Pakistan neighbours are : India to the East; Iran to the south-west; Afghanistan to
the west and north; China to the north-east.The southern coast abuts the Arabian Sea.

Pakistan has towering peaks in the north (including the second-highest mountain in
the world, K-2,   8611m/28,245ft), dry and scrubby mountains in the west, an
inhospitable plateau in the south-west, barren  deserts in the south-east and alluvial
plains everywhere else. These plains, constituting about a third of the country,
where most of its people live and most of its food is grown. Coursing through all this
tumult is the Indus River, which falls from Tibet then travels 2500km (1550mi) south
before emptying through an  immense delta into the Arabian Sea.

Natural fauna in Pakistan's lowlands is patchy - mostly scattered clumps of grass
and stunted woodlands. However, as the landscape rises, there are quite large
coniferous forests and carpeted slopes of  multicoloured flowers in the northern
mountains. Fauna includes bear, snow leopard, deer and jackal.

Pakistan's 800km (500mi) of coastline teems with shark, shellfish and sea turtle,
while the Indus delta is home to the marsh crocodile.

Seasons & Weather

Pakistan has three seasons: cool (November through February); hot (March through
August); and wet (July through August). There are, however, big regional
variations. In the south, the cool season brings dry days and cool nights, while the
northern mountains get drizzle and plummeting night-time temperatures. The hot
season means suffocatingly hot and humid conditions in the south but pleasant
temperatures northwards. During the wet season, the tail end of the monsoon dumps
steady rain mostly in the narrow belt of the Punjab from Lahore to Islamabad. But
further north, the high mountains block all but the most determined clouds, which
means relatively little rain falls there. During cool season snow fall in northern
areas, in rest of country nights are cold and days are usually pleasant. Temperature
is  moderate in Karachi, the largest city of Pakistan, near Arabian sea .

Islamic Republic of Pakistan Official Web Site
Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation

Science & Technology
Ministry of Science & Technology
Pakistan Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR)
National Institute of Electronics (NIE)
National Institute of Silicon Technology (NIST)
National Institute of Oceanography (NIO)
Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR)
Metal Industry Research & Development Center (MIRDC)

Pakistan Television
Radio Pakistan
Jang (Urdu)
The News (English)
Dawn (English)
Nawa-i-Waqt (Urdu)
Millat (Urdu)