Finality of
says in Quran :
“O people ! Muhammad has no
sons among ye men, but verily, he is the Apostle of God and the last in the
line of Prophets. And God is Aware of everything.” (Surah Al Ahzab:
which means that no messenger nor
even a Prophet charged with the mission of carrying out reforms in the sphere
of Law or society which might have been omitted (God forbid) during the
lifetime of Muhammad (PBUH) will ever succeed him. Since Allah ordained the
ministry of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to be final, it was, therefore, imperative
that he should accomplish the task of uprooting this pagan custom.
Khatam-al-Nabiyyin stands for the Finality
of Prophethood with a clear implication that the prophethood has been
culminated and finalized in Muhammad (PBUH). According to Arabic lexicon and
the linguistic usage Khatam means to affix seal; to close, to come
to an end; and to carry something to its ultimate end.
The Observations of the Holy Prophet(PBUH)
About the Finality of Prophethood
- The Holy
Prophet (PBUH) observed: "The tribe of Israel was guided by
prophets. When a prophet passed away, another prophet succeeded him. But
no prophet will come after me; only caliphs will succeed me."
(Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Manaqib).
- The
Prophet of God (PBUH) affirmed: "My position in relation to the
prophets who came before me can be explained by the following example:A
man erected a building and adorned this edifice with great beauty, but he
left an empty niche, in the corner where just one brick was missing.
People looked around the building and marvelled at its beauty, but
wondered why a brick was missing from that niche? I am like unto that one
missing brick and I am the last in the line of the Prophets."
(Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Manaqib).
- The Holy
Prophet (PBUH) observed: "God has bestowed upon me six favors
which the former Prophets did not enjoy:
- I
have been endowed with the gift of pithy and perfect speech.
- I
was granted victory owing to my awe.
- The
spoils of war were made lawful unto me.
- The
whole earth has been made the place of worship for me and it has become
the means of purification for me also. In other words in my religion,
offering of prayers is not confined to certain specified places of
worship. Prayers can be offered at any place over the earth. And in case
water is not available it is lawful for my people to perform ablutions
with earth(Tayammum) and to cleanse themselves with the soil if water for
bathing is scarce.
- I
have been sent by Allah to carry His Divine message to the whole world.
- And
the line of prophets has come to its final end in me. (Muslim, Tirmidhi,
Ibn Majah)
- The
Prophet of Allah (PBUH) affirmed: "The chain of Messengers and
Prophets has come to an end. There shall be no Messenger nor Prophet after
me." (Tirmidhi, Kitab-ur-Rouya Babu Zahab-un- Nubuwwa, Musnad
Ahmad, Marwiyat-Anas bin Malik)
- The Holy
Prophet (PBUH) observed: "I am Muhammad, I am Ahmad, I am the
effacer and infidelity shall be erased through me; I am the assembler.
People shall be assembled on Doomsday after my time. (In other words Doom
is my only successor.) And I am the last in the sense that no prophet
shall succeed me." (Bukhari and Muslim, Kitab-ul-Fada'il, Bab:
Asmaun-Nabi; Tirmidhi, Kitab-ul- Adab, Bab: Asma-un-Nabi; Muatta',
Kitab-u-Asma in-Nabi, Al- Mustadrak Hakim, Kitab-ut-Tarikh, Bab:
- The
Prophet of God (PBUH) observed: "God Almighty hath sent unto
the world no apostle who did not warn his people about the appearance of
Dajjal( Anti-Christ, but Dajjal did not appear in their time). I am the
last in the line of Prophets and ye are the last community of believers.
Without doubt,then, Dajjal shall appear from amongst ye". (Ibn
Majah, Kitabul-fitan, bab:Dajjal).
- 'Abdur
Rahman bin Jubair reported: "I heard Abdullah bin 'Amr ibn-'As
narrating that one day the Holy Prophet (PBUH) came out of his house and
joined our company. His manner gave us the impression as if he were
leaving us.' He said, 'I am Muhammad, the unlettered prophet of Allah' and
repeated this statement three times. Then he affirmed: "There will be
no prophet after me'."(Musnad Ahmad, Marwiyat'Abdullah bin Amr
- The Holy
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Allah
will send no Apostle after me, but only Mubashshirat. It was said: what is
meant by al-Mubashshirat. He said : Good vision or pious vision".
(Musnad Ahmad, Marwiyat Abu Tufail, Nasa'i, Abu Dawud) (In other words
there is no possibility of Divine revelation in future. At the most if
some one receives an inspiration from Allah he will receive it in the form
of "pious dream."
- The Holy
Prophet (PBUH) said: "If an Apostle were to succeed me, it
would have been 'Umar bin Khattab." (Tirmidhi,Kitab-ul-
- The Holy
Prophet (PBUH) told Hadrat 'Ali, "You are related to me as
Aaron was related to Moses(peace be upon him). But no Apostle will come
after me." (Bukhari and Muslim, Kitab Fada'il as-Sahaba)
- Thauban
reports: "The Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed: And there will
arise Thirty imposters in my Ummah and each one of them will pronounce to
the world that he is a prophet, but I am the last in the line of the
Prophets of God and no Apostle will come after me." (Abu
Dawud, Kitab-ul-Fitan)
- The Holy
Prophet (PBUH) observed: "Among the tribe of Israel who went
before you there indeed were such people who held communion with God, even
though they were not his Prophets. If ever there arose a person from among
my people who would hold communion with God, it would be none else but
'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him)." (Bukhari,
- The
Prophet of God (PBUH) said: "No Prophet will come after me and
there will, therefore, be no other community of followers of any new
prophet." (Baihaqi,Kitab-ul Rouya; Tabarani)
- The Holy
Prophet (PBUH) observed: "I am the last in line of the prophets
of God and my Masjid is the last Masjid (referring the holy Masjid of the
Prophet)." (see footnote 3) (Muslim, Kitab-ul-Hajj;
Bab:Fadl-us-Salat bi Masjidi Mecca wal Medina)
The Consensus of the Companions
After the Holy Qur'an and sunnah,
the consensus of the companions of the holy Prophet (PBUH) holds the third
position. All authentic historical traditions reveal that the companions of the
prophet (PBUH) had unanimously waged a war on the claimants to the prophethood
and their adherents after the demise of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
In this connection the case of Musailama is
particularly significant. This man did not deny that Muhammad (PBUH) was the
Prophet of God; he claimed that God had appointed him as a co- prophet with
Muhammad to share his task. The letter which had addressed to the Holy Prophet
just before the Mussailama's death reads:
"From Musailma the prophet of God to Muhammad
the Prophet of God(PBUH). I wish to inform you that I have been appointed as
your partner to share in the burden of prophethood." The historian Tabari
has recorded a tradition which says that the `call to prayers'(Adhan) which
Musailama had devised for his followers included the words, "I testify
that Muhammad is the Prophet of God."
Despite Musailama's clear affirmation of the
Prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH), he was declared an apostate and ostracised from
the society of Islam. Not only this but a war was waged on Musailama. History
also bears witness to the fact that the tribe of Hunaifa (Banu Hunaif) had
accepted Musailama's claim to prophethood in good faith. They had been
genuinely led to believe that Muhammad (PBUH) had of his own accord declared
Musailama as his partner in prophethood. A man who had learnt Qur'an in the
Holy City of Medina went to the tribe of Banu Hunaifa and falsely represented
the verses of the Qur'an as having been revealed to Musailama.
Though Banu Hunaifa had been deliberately
misinformed, nevertheless the companions of the Holy Prophet did not recognize
them as muslims and sent an army against them. There is no scope here for
taking the view that the companions had fought against them as rebels and not
as apostates. Islamic Law lays down that in the event of a war against the
rebel Muslims, the prisoners taken in battle shall not be taken into slavery.
The law further requires that even the rebellious Dhimmis, when taken as
prisoners in battle, shall not go into slavery. But when military action was
taken against Musailama and his followers, Hadrat Abu Bakr declared that the
women and children of the enemy would be taken as slaves; and when they were
taken prisoner in battle, they were enslaved. From among these a girl was given
as a slave to Hadrat `Ali. She bore him a son named Muhammad bin Hanfiya, who
is a renowned figure in the history of Islam. (Al- Badaya wan-Nihaya, Vol. VI,
pp. 316 & 325)
This event is a clear proof of the fact that when
companions fought against Musailama, they did not charge him with rebellion.
The charge against him was that he had preferred a claim to prophethood after
the line of Prophets had ended in Muhammad (PBUH) and he had thus misled other
people to affirm faith in his claim of prophethood. The action against
Musailama was taken immediately after the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
under the leadership of Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique (may God be pleased with him),
and it had the unanimous support of the entire body of the companions. There
can be found no better and explicit example of the consensus of the companions
than this.
The Consensus of all the Ulema of the Ummah
Next in line of authority after the
consensus of the Companions stands the consensus, in matters of religion, of
those ulema of the Muslims who came after the time of Companions (may God be
pleased with them). A glance through the history of Islam from the first
century up to the modern times reveals to us the fact that the ulema of all
periods in every Islamic country of the world are unanimous in their conviction
that no new prophet can be raised after Muhammad (PBUH). They all agree in the
belief that anyone who lays a claim to Prophethood after Muhammad (PBUH) and
anyone who puts faith in such a claim is an apostate and an outcast from the
community of Islam.
The following facts are appended as an illustration
of this:
A man in the time of Imam Abu Hanifa (80 A.H.-150 A.H.)
laid claim to Prophethood and said "Let me show you the proofs of my
prophethood." The great Imam thereupon warned the people: "Anyone who
asks of this man the credentials of prophethood, shall become an apostate, for
the Prophet of God (PBUH) has explicitly declared: "No prophet will come
after me." (Manaqib al-Imam-i-Azam Abi Hanifa, Ibn Ahmad al-Makki, Vol. I,
p.161, published in Hyderabad, India, 1321 A.H.)
- `Allama
Ibn Jarir Tabari (224 A.H.-310 A.H.) in his renowned commentary of the
holy Qur'an gives the following interpretation of the verse, 'walakin
Rasul Allahi wa Khatam-ul Nabiyyin': "He has closed and sealed the
prophethood and the door (of prophethood) shall not open for anyone till
the end of the world." (Vide Commentary of Ibn-i-Jarir, Vol. 22,
- In his
book `Aqida-i-Salfia, while explaining the beliefs of the pious forbearers
and particularly those of Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Abu Yusuf and Imam Muhammad,
Imam Tahavi (239 A.H.-321 A.H.) writes that Muhammad (PBUH) is a highly
venerable servant of God. He is the chosen Prophet and the favorite
Messenger of Allah. He is the last of the Prophets, Leader of the pious,
chief of the Messengers of Allah and the beloved one of the Lord. After
him every claim to Prophethood is an error manifest and worship of one's
evil-self." (Sharah al-Tahawiya Fil-'Aqidat-ul-Salfia,
Dar-ul-Ma'arif, Egypt, pp. 15, 87, 96, 97, 100, 102)
- `Allama
Ibn Hazm Andulasi (384 A.H.-456 A.H.) writes: "It is certain that the
chain of Divine revelations has come to an end after the death of the Holy
Prophet(PBUH). The proof of this lies in the fact that none but a prophet
can be the recipient of Divine revelations and God has affirmed that Muhammad
has no sons among ye men and he is the Messenger of God and that He has
sealed the office of Prophethood." (Al-Mohallah, Vol. 1, p.26)
- Imam
Ghazali (450 A.H-505 A.H.) says `If the right of denying the authority of
consensus be admitted, it will give rise to many absurdities. For example,
if someone says that it is possible for a person to attain the office of
Prophethood after our Apostle Muhammad(PBUH), we shall not hestitate to
pronounce him as an infidel, but in the course of a controversy the man
who wishes to prove that any reluctance in pronoucing such a person as an
apostate is a sin shall have to seek the aid of consensus in support of
his arguments, because reason is no arbiter against the possibilty of the
existance of a `new prophet.' As regards the followers of the `new
prophets' they will not be utterly incapable of making various
interpretations of La Nabiya Ba`di, "There will be no Prophet
after me" and Khatam-ul-Nabiyyin, `Last of the Prophets.' A
follower of the `new prophets' might say that Khatam-ul-Naibiyyin, `Last
of the Prophets' bears the meaning "last of the prominent
Messengers." If you argue that "prophets" is a common word,
he would very easily give this term a particular significance with regard
to his own `prophethood.' In respect of `No Prophet will come after him',
such a man would contend that this expression does not say that `No
Messengers will follow him.' There is a difference betwen a Prophet and a
Messenger. The status of a Prophet is higher than that of the Messenger.
The fact is that such absurdities can be indulged in ad infinitum. It is
not difficult, in our view, to make different interpretations of a word.
Besides, there is no ample scope for people to commit blunders ever and
beyond these points in the exposition of these clear words. We cannot even
say that those who make such interpretations are guilty of the denial of
clear injunctions. But to refute those who have but their faith in the
false expositions we shall say that the entire Ummah by a consensus of opinion
recognizes that the words `No Prophet shall come after him' and the
context of the traditions suggests that the Holy Prophet meant that `No
Prophet, nor Messenger shall follow him.' Furthermore, the Ummah is agreed
on the point that above words of the Holy Prophet leave no scope for a
different interpretation than given to it by the consensus of the Ummah
and he who would not join the consensus is no more than a dissident.
(Al-Iqtisad Fil Aiteqad, p.114, Egypt)
[We have quoted
here the original Arabic text (in the Urdu Edition) of the opinion of Imam
Ghazali because the deniers of the idea of the Finality of Prophethood have
vehemently challenged the authenticity of this reference.)
- Mohy-us-Sunnah
Baghawi ( died 510 A.H.) writes in his commentary Ma`lam-al-Tanzil:
"God brought the line of Prophets to an end with him. Hence he is the
final Prophet.......Ibn `Abbas affirms that God(in this verse) has given
His verdict that no Prophet will come after the Prophet
Muhammad(PBUH)." (Vol. 3, p. 158)
- `Allama
Zamakhshri (467 A.H.-538 A.H) writes in his commentary entitled Kashshaaf,
"If you ask how Muhammad can be the last of the Prophets when Hadrat
`Isa (Jesus Christ) will appear towards the end of the world? I shall
reply that the finality of Prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH) means that no
one will be endowed with prophethood after him. Hadrat 'Isa is among those
upon whom prophethood was endowed before Muhammad(PBUH). Moreover, Hadrat
'Isa will appear as a follower of Muhammad and he will offer prayers with his
face towards the Qiblah of Islam, as a member of the community of the
Muslims." (Vol. 2, p. 215)
- Qazi 'Iyad
(died 544 A.H.) writes: " He who lays a claim to prophethood, affirms
that a man can attain the office of prophethood or can acquire the dignity
of a prophet through purification of soul, as is alleged by some
philosophers and sufis; similarly a person who does not claim to be a
prophet, but declares that he is the recipient of Divine revelation, all
such persons are apostates and deniers of the prophethood of
Muhammad(PBUH), for Muhammad (PBUH) has conveyed the message of God to us
that he is the final Prophet and no Prophet will come after him. He had
also conveyed to us the Divine message that he has finally sealed the
office of Prophethood and that he has been sent as a Prophet and a
Messenger to the whole of mankind. It is the consensus of the entire Ummah
that these words of the Holy Prophet are clear enough and eloquently speak
of the fact that they can admit of no other interpretation or amendment in
their meaning. Hence there is no doubt that all these sects are outside
the pale of Islam not only from the view-point of the consensus of the
Ummah but also on the ground of these words having been transmitted with
utmost authenticity." (Shifa, Vol. 2, pp. 270- 271)
- `Allama
Shahrastani (died A.H. 548), in his renowned book, Almilal wan Nahal,
writes: "And similarly who says that a prophet shall come after
Muhammad (PBUH), there are no two opinions that such a man is an
infidel." (Vol. 3, p. 249)
- Imam Razi
(543 A.H.-606 A.H.), in his work Tafsir Kabir while explaining the meaning
of the verse Khatam-un-Nabiyyin states: "In this context the term
Khatam-un Nabiyyin has been used in the sense that a Prophet whose
ministry is not final may leave some injunctions or commandments
incomplete or unexplained thus providing scope for a succeeding prophet to
complete the task. But the Prophet who will have no successor is more
considerate and provides clear guidlines for his followers, for he is like
a father who knows that after him there will be no guardian or patron to
look after his son."(Vol. 6, p. 581)
- Allama
Baidawi(died A.H. 685), in his commentary, Anwar-ul-Tanzil, writes:
"In other words he, Muhammed (PBUH), is the last of all Prophets. He
is the one in whom the line of Prophets ends or the one whose advent has
sealed the office of Prophethood. The appearance of Hadrat 'Isa (peace be
upon him) after Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) is not a contradiction of the
finality of Muhammed's Prophethood, because Hadrat Isa will appear as a
follower of the Shariah of Muhammed." (Vol. 4, p. 164)
- 'Allama
Hafiz-ud-Din Al-Nasafi (died A.H.710), in his commentary,
Madark-ut-Tanzil, writes: "And he Muhammad(PBUH) is the one who has
brought the line of prophets to an other words he is the last of
all prophets. God shall not appoint another prophet after him. In respect
of Hadrat `Isa(peace be upon him) it may be stated that he is among those
who were appointed Prophets before the time of Muhammad(PBUH). And when
Hadrat `Isa appears again, he will be a follower of the Shar'iah of
Muhammad, and one among faithful." (p. 471)
- `Allama
`Alau-din Baghdadi (died A.H. 725) in his commentary, Khazin, writes:
"Wa Khatam-un-Nabiyyin,' in other words, God has ended prophethood in
him, Muhammad(PBUH). Henceforth there is no prophethood after him, nor is
there any partner with him in prophethood...Wa Kan Allahu Bikulle Shaiin
`Alima, God is aware that no prophet will come after him." (pp.
- Allama Ibn
Kathir (died A.H. 774) writes in his well- known commentary, "Hence
this verse is a clear proof of the fact that no prophet will come after
Muhammad(PBUH) and when it is said that no prophet will come after him it
is a foregone conclusion that no messenger will succeed him either, for
the office of a messenger holds prominence over the office of a prophet.
Every messenger is a prophet, but all prophets are not messengers. Any one
who lays a claim to prophethood after Muhammad(PBUH) is a liar, a
disruptionist, an imposter, depraved and a seducer despite his wonderous
jugglery and magical feats. Any one who would make this claim in future
till the end of the world belongs to this class. (Vol. 3, pp. 493-494)
- Allama
Jalal-Ud-Din Suyuti (died A.H. 911) writes in his commentary entitled
Jalalain, "God is aware of the fact that no prophet will succeed
Muhammad (PBUH) and when Isa (PBUH) will reappear in the world he will act
according to the Shariah of Muhammad (PBUH)." (p. 768)
- Allama Ibn
Nujaim (died A.H. 970) in his renowned work of the canons of Fiqh
entitled, 'Al-Ashbah wan-Nazair', Kitab- us-Siyyar:Bab: al-Raddah, writes:
"A person who does not regard Muhammad (PBUH) as the last Prophet of
God is not a Muslim, for the finality of Muhammad's prophethood is one of
those fundamental articles of faith which a Muslim must understand and
believe." (p. 179)
- Mulla Ali
Qari (died A.H. 1016) in his commentary Fiqh Akbar, writes: "To lay a
claim to Prophethood after the ministry of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is
a sheer infidelity by the consensus of Ummah." (p. 202)
- Shaikh
Isma'il Haqqi (died 1137 A.H.) while elucidating this verse in his
commentary Ruh-ul-Bayan, writes: "Asim reads the word Khatam with a
vowel stress on the letter ta which means the instrument of stamping and
sealing, just as 'Printer' is the machine which imprints. The connotation
of the word is that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was the last of all prophets
and God has sealed the office of prophethood through his agency. In
Persian the same meaning will be expressed by the term 'Mohar
Paighambran'. The seal of Prophets i.e., his (Muhammad's) advent sealed
the door of prophethood and the line pf prophets ended in him. Other
reciters pronounce the word Khatim with the vowel point under the letter
ta which means to say that Muhammad (PBUH) was the one who sealed the
doors of prophethood. In Persian the same meaning will be expressed by the
term 'Mohar Konindai Paighambran,' 'Sealer of the prophets,' so both ways
the word Khatam bears one and the same meaning........Henceforth the Ulema
of the Ummah of Muhammad(PBUH) will inherit only spiritual eminence from
him. The inheritance of Prophethood is extinct, for Muhammad(PBUH) has
sealed the office of Prophethood for all time to come. The appearance of
Hadrat Isa (PBUH) after Muhammad(PBUH) is not a contradiction of the
finality of Muhammad's prophethood. The term Khatam-un-Nabiyyin makes it
clear that no one will be appointed a prophet after Muhammad(PBUH).
Hadrat Isa (PBUH) was appointed
Prophet before Muhammad(PBUH) and Isa(PBUH) will appear as a follower of the
Shari'ah of Muhammad(PBUH). He (Isa)(PBUH) will offer prayers with his face
turned towards the Qiblah designated by Muhammad(PBUH). Hadrat Isa (PBUH) will
be one among the faithful of Islam. He will neither receive any Divine
revelation nor will issue new injunctions; he will act as a follower of
Muhammad(PBUH). `Ahl-Sunnat wal Jam'at (the Sunni sect) believe that no prophet
will come after our holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) because God has affirmed:
"wa-lakin Rasul Allahi wa Khatam-un-Nabiyyin", and the Prophet has
said: La Nabiya Ba`di (There will be no Prophet after me.) Henceforth anyone
who says that a prophet will succeed Muhammad(PBUH) will become an apostate,
because he has denied a basic article of faith. Similarly anyone who casts
doubt about the finality of Muhammad's prophethood, will also be declared an
infidel, because the foregoing discussion has distinguished right from wrong.
And any claim to prophethood after Muhammad(PBUH) is absolutely false."
- In
Fatawa-i-Alamgiri which was compiled by the eminent scholars of the Indian
sub-continent at the command of Aurangzeb Alamgir, in the 12th century
Hijri, it is recorded: "A man who does not regard Muhammed (PBUH) as
the final Prophet of God, is not a Muslim, and if such a man claims to be
a messenger or prophet of God, he shall be proclaimed an apostate."
(Vol. 2, p. 263)
- Allama
Shoukani (died 1255 A.H.) in his commentary, Fath-ul-Qadeer, writes:
"A majority of people have read the word Khatam with the vowel point under
the letter ta but 'Asim reads the same word with vowel stress on ta. The
first reading means that Muhammed (PBUH) ended the line of Prophets (peace
of Allah be upon them) i.e., in other words the Holy Prophet came last of
all the Prophets. The second reading means that the Holy Prophet was the
seal by which the office of Prophethood was finally closed; and that his
advent lent grace to the group of Allah's Prophets.
- Allama
Alusi (died 1270 A.H.) in his commentary, Ruh-ul-Ma'ani, writes: "The
word 'Prophet' is common, but the word 'Messenger' has a particular
significance. Hence when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is called the 'Seal of
Prophets,' it necessarily follows that he is also the 'Seal of
Messengers.' The implication of the Holy Prophet's position as 'the Last
of all Prophets and Messengers of God' is that by his(PBUH) elevation to
the dignity of Prophethood in this world, the same dignity has henceforth
been abolished and no man can attain that dignity now." (Vol. 22, p.
"Anyone who claims to be
the recipient of Divine revelations as a prophet after the advent of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH), shall be declared an infidel. There is no difference of
opinion among Muslims on this point." (ibid., vol.22, p.38) "The
affirmation in the Book of God of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as `the Last of the
Prophets' is unequivocal. The Sunnah has clearly explained this and the Ummah
has reached a consensus on it. Hence anyone who lays a contradictory claim
against this position shall be declared an apostate (ibid., vol.22, p. 39)
Traditions Relating to the Descent of Christ,
Son of Mary
- Hadrat Abu
Huraira reports that the Prophet (PBUH) of God said: "I swear
by Him Who hath power over my life, the son of Mary shall descend among ye
as a Just ruler. He will break the cross and kill the swine;[see footnote
5] and he will put an end to war." (Bukhari, Kitab
Ahadith al-Anbiya; Bab: Nuzul 'Isa Ibn Maryam; Muslim, Bab: Bayan Nuzul
'Isa; Tirmidhi, Abwab-al-Fitan; Bab Fi Nuzul 'Isa; Musnad Ahmad, Marwiyat
Abu Huraira)
In another tradition the word jizya
has been substituted for harb, "war", i.e., he will
abolish the jizya on non-believers. [see footnote 6]
- Another
tradition reported by Hadrat Abu Huraira says, "The Doomsday
shall not be established before the descent of Jesus, son of Mary,"
and these words are followed by the text as given in the tradition above.
(Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Muzalim: Bab: Kasr-ul- Salib Ibn Majah, Kitab-ul-Fitan
- Hadrat Abu
Huraira reports that the Apsotle (PBUH) of Allah observed: "What
will you be like when the son of Mary shall descend among ye and a person
among ye will discharge the office of Imam (leader in Prayers)."[see
footnote 7] (Bukhari, Kitab Ahadith Anbiya, Bab: Nuzul Isa; Muslim,
Nuzul Isa; Musnad Ahmad, Marwiyat Abu Huraira)
- Hadrat Abu
Huraira reports the Apsotle (PBUH) of Allah having said: "Christ,
son of Mary, will then kill the swine and remove the Cross. A congregation
for prayer will be held for him. He will distribute such an enormous
quantity of goods that none will be left in need of anything. He will
abolish taxes. He will encamp at Rauha (a place situated at a distance of
35 miles from Medina) and from there, set out to perform Hajj or Umrah or
both." (The reporter is in doubt as to which of these two had
been mentioned by the Holy Prophet (PBUH). (Musnad Ahmad, Silsila Marwiyat
Abi Huraira; Muslim, Kitab-ul-Hajj; Bab Jawaz-ul- Tamatttu fil-Hajj
- Hadrat Abu
Huraira relates that the Prophet (PBUH) of God after mentioning the exile
of Dajjal said: "The Muslims will be preparing for war with
Dajjal and they will be falling in line in preparation for offering
Prayers and the Takbir will have been said for Prayers when in the
meantime Christ (PBUH), son of Mary, will descend and lead Muslims in
Prayer. The enemy of God, Dajjal, on seeing him will start melting like
salt in water. If Christ (PBUH) would leave Dajjal alone, he would melt
and die anyway, but God will cause Dajjal to be slain at the hand of
Christ (PBUH) and Christ will display his spear strained with the blood of
Dajjal to the Muslims." (Mishkat, Kitab-ul-Fitan, Bab:
al-Malahim, quoted by Muslim)
- Hadrat Abu
Huraira reports that the Apostle (PBUH) of Allah affirmed: "No
Prophet shall come during the period between me and Jesus (PBUH). And
Jesus shall descend. Recognize him when you see him; he is a man of medium
height and of a rudy, fair complexion. He will be dressed in two pieces of
yellow garment. The hair of his head will appear as if water is trickling
out of them, though his hair would not be wet. He will fight for the cause
of Islam. He will break the Cross into pieces. He will slay the swine. He
will abolish the Jizya on non-believers. In his time God will put an end
to all other faiths except the religion of Islam. And Christ will kill
Dajjal. He will live on this earth for a period of forty years and at the
end of this period he will pass away. The Muslims will offer the funeral
prayers of Christ (PBUH). (Abu Dawud, Kitab-ul-Malahim, Bab:
Khuruj-ul-Dajjal; Musnad Ahmad, Marwiyat Abu Huraira)
- Hadrat
Jabir bin Abdullah reports that he heard the Prophet (PBUH) as saying:
"Then Christ, son of Mary, will descend. The leader of the Muslims
will say to him, "Come, lead us in Prayer," but he will reply,
"No be thou your own leaders in prayer."[see footnote
8] He will say this out of respect for the dignity that God has
bestowed on the people of Islam." (Muslim, Bayan Nuzul Isa ibn
Maryam; Musnad Ahmad, Basilsila Marwiyat Jabir bin Abdullah)
- In
connection with the episode of Ibn Sayyad, Jabir bin Abdullah relates that
Umar bin Khattab (RAA) submitted: "O Apostle of God, allow me
to slay him. In reply the Prophet of God observed, "If indeed this
man is he (referring to Dajjal), then he shall be slain by Christ, son of
Mary. You shall not slay him. But if this man is not he (Dajjal), then you
have no right to kill an individual from amongst those with whom we have
guaranteed protection (Dhimmies)." (Mishkat, Kitab-ul-Fitan,
Bab: Qissa Ibn Sayyad, quoted by Shara al-Sunnah al-Baghawi).
- Jabir b.
Abdullah relates that while narrating the episode of Dajjal, the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) observed: "At that time Christ, son of Mary,
will suddenly descend among the Muslims. A congregation will be assembled
for prayer and he shall be asked: " O Spirit of God, come forward and
lead (us in Prayer)." But he will say, 'No, your own Imam shall step
forward and act as the leader.' Thus when the Muslims will have offered
the morning Prayer, they will set out to do battle against Dajjal. When
that liar will look on Christ (PBUH), he will start melting like salt in
water. Christ (PBUH) shall advance towards him and slay him. And it will
come to pass that every stone will cry out: 'Spirit of Allah, this Jew is
hiding behind me.' Not a single follower of Dajjal will escape
slaughter." (Musnad Ahmad, Basissila Riwayat Jabir b.
- Hadrat
an-Nawas b. Sam'an (while relating the story of Dajjal) reports: "Meantime
when Dajjal will be engaged in perpetrating such deeds, God shall send Christ,
son of Mary. Christ (PBUH) will descend near the white tower in the
eastern quarter of Damascus, wearing two pieces of yellow garment and
resting his hands upon the arms of two angels. When he will bend his head,
it would seem that drops of water would fall down from his head and when
he will raise his head it would seem as if pearls would be trickling in
the form of drops. Any infidel who will be within reach of the air of his
breath, and the air of his breath willr each as far as his eye would see -
will not escape death. Later the son of Mary will pursue Dajjal and will
overtake him at the gate of Lydda and put him to death." (Muslim, Dhikr
Dajjal; Abu Dawud, Kitab ul-Malahim, Bab: Khuruj; Dajjal; Tirmidhi,
Abwab-ul-Fitan; Bab: Fi Fitna al-Dajjal; Ibn Majah, Kitab ul-Fitna, Bab:
Fitna al-Dajjal)
- Abdullah
b. Amr b. al-As says that the Apostle of God (PBUH) observed: "Dajjal
will arise in my people and will survive for forty (here the reporter is
not certain whether the Prophet mentioned forty days or forty months or
forty years). Then God shall send Christ, son of Mary, unto the world. He
will resemble in appearance with 'Urwa b. Masud (a companion of the
Prophet). Christ will pursue Dajjal and put him to death. Following this
for a period of seven years the state of the world will be such that a
quarrel between two individuals will be unknown." (Muslim,
- It is
reported by Thauban, the freed slave of the Holy Prophet that the holy
Prophet (PBUH) observed: "God will grant protection from
Hell-fire to two groups from among the people of my Ummah. One group
consists of those who will invade India; the other group will consist of
those who will align themselves with Christ, son of Mary(PBUH)."
(Nasa'i,Kitab ul-jihad;Musnad ahmad, Bisilsila Riwayat Thauban)
- Mujamme b.
jaria Ansari reports: "I heard the Holy Prophet(PBUH) as
saying: Christ, son of Mary will slay Dajjal at the gate of
Lod(Lydda)." (Musnad Ahmad , Tirmidhi, Abwab-ul-Fitan).
- Abu Umama
al-Bahli(mentioning Dajjal in the course of a long tradition) reports "Exactly
when the Imam of the Muslims will step forward to lead the morning
prayers, Christ son of Mary(PBUH) will descend among them. The Imam will
retreat to make room for Christ to lead the prayers. But Christ patting
the Imam in the middle of his shoulders will say "Nay thou shall act
as leader, for this congregation has assembled to follow you in
prayer." Hence the Imam will lead the prayers. When the prayer is
over Christ(PBUH) will command, `Open the Gate.' The gate shall be thrown
Dajjal will be present
outside the gate with a host of seventy thousand Jewish troops. As soon as
Dajjal catches the sight of Christ (PBUH), he will say to him," I shall
strike you with such force that you will not survive the blow." Christ
(PBUH) will pursue and overtake him at the Eastern gate of Lod(Lydda). God will
cause the jews to be defeated. Earth shall be filled with muslims as a vessel
is filled to the brim with water-the entire world shall recite the same Kalima
and worship shall be offered to none else except God Almighty." (Ibn
Majah,Kitab-ul-Fitan ; Bab : Fitan Dajjal)
- `Uthman b.
Abi al-`As reports that he heard the Prophet of God (PBUH) as saying: "And
Christ son of Mary will descend at the time of morniing prayer. The leader
of the muslims will say to him, "O spirit of God, Be thou our leader
in prayer." He will answer "The people of this Ummah are leaders
unto each other." At this, the leader of the muslims shall step
forward and lead the prayers. When the prayer is over, Christ(PBUH) will
take hold of his weapon and advance towards Dajjal. Dajjal, on seeing
Christ shall start melting like lead. Christ (PBUH) will slay him with his
weapon. The companions of Dajjal will be defeated. They will flee away,
but will not find a hiding place anywhere. Even the trees will cry
out,"O pious, this infidel is hiding behind me," and the stones
will say, "O pious, this unbeliever has taken cover behind me."
(Musnad Ahmad, Tabarani, Hakim)
- Samura b.
Jundub (in a long tradition) ascribes this saying to the Holy Prophet
(PBUH): "Then at morning time Christ, son of Mary, shall descend
among the Muslims. And Allah shall cause Dajjal and his hosts to suffer a
most crushing defeat. Even the walls and roots of the trees will cry out,
"O pious, this infidel is hiding behind me. Come and strike him to
death." (Musnad Ahmad, Hakim)
- A
tradition related to 'Imarn b. Husain says that the Prophet of God (PBUH)
observed: "There will always be a group of people among my
followers who will keep firm faith in right and they shall overwhelm their
opponents till God issues a decree and Christ son of Mary (PBUH) descends
upon earth." (Musnad Ahmad)
- With
reference to the episode of Dajjal, Hadrat 'Aisha (may Allah be pleased
with her) reports that "Hadrat 'Isa (PBUH) will descend and
slay Dajjal. After this Hadrat 'Isa (PBUH) shall rule over the earth as a
just leader and a benevolent sovereign for a period of forty years." (Musnad
- Safina,
the freed slave of the Apostle of God (PBUH) reports (in connection with
the episode of Dajjal) that "Hadrat 'Isa (PBUH) will descend
and God shall put an end to the life of Dajjal near the slope of
Afiq"[see footnote 10]. (Musnad Ahmad)
- Hadrat
Hudaifa b. Yama relates (with reference to Dajjal), "When the
Muslims will fall in lines to offer prayers, Christ son of Mary (PBUH)
shall descend from heaven before their eyes. He will lead the prayers.
When the prayers are over he will say to the people: "Clear the way
bewteen me and this enemy of God." God will give victory to the
Muslims over the hosts of Dajjal. The Muslims will inflict dire punishment
upon the enemy. Even the trees and stones will cry out, "O Abdullah,
O Abdul Rahman, O Muslim, come, here is a Jew behind me, kill him."
In this way God will cause the Jews to be annihilated and Muslims shall be
the victors. They will break the Cross, slaughter the swine and abolish
Jizya (levied on non-Muslims)." (Mustadrak Hakim - A brief
version of this tradition has been recorded in Muslim. Hafiz Ibn Hajar in
Fath-ul-Bari Vol. VI, p. 450 declares this tradition to be authentic.)