University of Massachusetts Amherst
Department of Music and Dance

Choral Ensembles
Choir Descriptions

If you really enjoy choral music, singing, and singing in choirs, you might consider joining one of the university's several ensembles.  Choral singing is a series of epiphanies, an activity which makes all your learning more effective, and one you can enjoy lifelong -- the experience is always new.

Our choirs are open to any students interested in collegiate-level choral music, regardless of major.  They are suited to various levels of singing experience and technical levels.  All offer one hour of credit, and include most all of the homework within the scheduled rehearsals.  Each is also instructive, in that your musical skills and knowledge are growing as you prepare for performance.

Our exams are taken as a group, in public, as it were.

Entrance to all the groups is by audition (which is brief and inteded to be painless), which are held in the first week of school.  No prepared solo is required for the initial auditions, though one might be helpful, especially for the more specialized groups.

CHORALE [MUS 561, 1 cr] Director: Abercrombie, Rehearsals TTh 4:40-6:25
Mixed choir.  Varied literature for choir alone and with instruments.  1-2 performances each semester, and at times with the University Orchestra.  Domestic and foreign tours organized by the members.

CHAMBER CHOIR [MUS 563, 1 cr] Director: Abercrombie, Rehearsals: MW 4:40-6:25
30-40 singers.  Limited openings.  Varied literature for choir alone and with instruments.  2-3 concert performances each semester, with occasional appearances for official university functions and tours.

MADRIGAL SINGERS [MUS 564, 1 cr] Director: Eisenstein, Rehearsals: MWF 12:20-1:10
6-10 singers.  Vocal chamber music, primarily from the Medieval, Renaissance and Early Baroque literature.  Performances on and off campus, joint performances with the Five College Early Music Program.

VOCAL JAZZ ENSEMBLE [MUS 579, 1 cr] Director: Jensen-Hole, Rehearsals: TTh 4:40-6:25
Number of singers will vary from 5-20, depending on repertoire.  Usually one full performance on campus each semester, with supporting combo, and appearances at other events on- and off-campus.

WOMEN'S CHOIR [MUS 562, 1 cr] Director: Fisher, Rehearsals: MWF 3:35-4:25
Open by audition.  Singing a wide variety of music for treble voices.  Usually one performance each semester, with off-campus repeats possible. (Not offered every semester.  See announcements at FAC 253 at the beginning of each semester.  Will be offered Fall 2000.)

EARLY MUSIC COLLEGIUM [MUS 578, 1 cr] Director: Eisenstein, Rehearsals: T 7-9 pm
Focus on vocal and instrumental music before 1750.

Other vocal opportunities....
Performance Workshop Singers (aka Opera Workshop) Director: Parker, Rehearsals: TTh 12:20-2:15.
By audition only.  See Elizabeth Parker in the Music Department for more details.

For other student-run groups, come to Music Department for posted announcements of auditions.  (Not department affiliated.)

Private and group voice lessons for non-music majors are available through the department - a limited number, for credit, decided by audition during the first week of school, and through the Performing Arts Division (PAD, located in Bartlett Hall, non-credit, very reasonable fees.)

Choral Office: Fine Arts Center 253 (545-0437 or

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This page is maintained by Alissa Ressel and was last updated 24 Aug 00.