Civil Engineers of the Present and Beyond...

About This WebPage...

Welcome to the home page for the Civil Engineering graduate class of 1999. .

This page has been updated to be better looking after a few months of inactivity. Both webmasters are busy with one working and the other doing his Masters.

By clicking the picture, the personal description will come out in another webpage. It is to be edited by the corresponding person so that every one has the chance to get involved. 

You can put in anything you want. May be some personal photo, some brilliant works like your assignments and even your thesis. U can also put in some songs, some favourite   links into your page ... whatever you want. 

If you don't know how to create a web page, just do everything in words, we will convert it for you. If you are too lazy to do so, we will do one for you, but don't blame us for the picture we chose! 

This web page will be stored into CD. Each person can then get one and store it for the next 100 years! 

Sound good? 


Vincent Ong has completed a virtual group and is found at:
UNSW Civil Engineering 1999 at Excite Clubs

[Click here to sign my guestbook]           [Click here to view my guestbook]
Send mail to and darrylfcc2@yahoo.comwith questions or comments about this web site.
NEW on 18 May 2003:
Added a link to the Chaah Image Gallery Online on the left navigation bar. This leads to the webpage where one can view photos of the Fong family in Chaah for recent events. It includes multimedia like video and audio for some of our relatives who can't make it to the event.

Last modified: Sunday, 18 May 2003
Number of Engineers who've visited this Stable Webpage:


Copyright © 1999 ACME Co. All rights reserved. The materials on this site may not be reproduced or duplicated, and may not be distributed, publicly performed, proxy cached or otherwise used, except with the prior express permission of the PageMasters. All images are the property of 1999 Graduate Class of CIVENG, UNSW,