nicole - 12/08/00 14:29:00
My Email:vt
as kevin's big brother, i feel obligated almost to say why i think he's a wierdo...i thought for a while that just saying b/c he's kevin was good enough, but he's just too wierd. my personal favorite "kevin story" is something that he told me and admitted to himself. after the uva game this year, kevin had to meet dre k. and he and some friends forced you to stay at the stadium for like an hour after the game so he could meet him...after amusing yourselves with taking other pics (nice one of you and ben t., btw), dre finally came over. according to you (and verified by jeff and kevin), kevin started crying like a little girl at an N*SYNC concert when he saw him and was all giddy and happy afterwards...that is so wierd (and pathetically stalker-esque), but i digress b/c he has dirt on me and isn't afraid to use it...ta ta for now :o)
RebeccaElf - 12/07/00 16:12:55
My Email:Newman the Lovenest
Anngel! I haven't seen you in forever! OOO, look...I'm a princess! And my picture is on the site! :) The UVA pics are really pricless, and so is the one of Kevin all snuggled up at three thirty in the afternoon. :)
love you anngel *kisses kisses kisses*
Beth Harding - 11/24/00 23:45:50
Where are your Chi-0 girls?
Jerry Seinfeld - 11/17/00 08:14:06
My Email:MOO
Whats the difference between neato stuff anf coolio stuff. What's up with that?
chris "Dir-T" - 11/05/00 14:49:30
My Email:around the corner from smurfland
hey ann, didnt see you in class, and tell kev i miss him.
Kevin and Smurf - 11/04/00 15:16:34
Hey ann its kevin and smurf coming to you live from Boston. Its cold here but we wanted to say hi and that we missed you. Me and Smurf and Mr. Peepers are gonna come see you and Jerry and B*O*B Bob and gonna get together tomorrow and have a Par-tay...
ell I have to go tomorrow I love you baby.
Amy - 11/03/00 01:45:16
Location:a boring city with a yucky high school
Hey there sweetie! How are things? I haven't talked to you in forever- I guess we are both just super busy peoples. Did you know that senior year sucks? Somebody should have told me that before I became a senior. Oh well talk to you soon dear! Love
Juanlover - 11/02/00 23:07:39
Location:Newman Hall
Hey sugarpie! Dammit, I hate damn midterms. Damn professors. Damn school. Pif. And I have to go see my mother this weekend too! Well, I guess I miss her a little...:) heehee.
the smurgleprincess
Heather - 10/31/00 04:16:28
You know Ann, this isn't the first time I've signed your guestbook. . . but do I ever hear from you?? nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Just kidding. Hope you're having a blast at Tech. :)
Pisa - 10/30/00 22:05:34
Location:Highlander Land
Ann, Ann, Ann.. Hey over there in Hokie land. I think that's so wacko of Kevin to drag you all across god knows where to get a PLAYSTATION 2!!! WHYYY?? I agree with your mommy.. You had a choice! 0:-) You also have a choice to take that damn playstation
nd take it BACK to walmart!! hehehe I'll help.. but sssshhhhhhh no telling Kevin!! Cuz he's such a wacko, who knows what he'd do. 0:-) Love you! ~Lisa Pisa Pie
mommy - 10/30/00 21:42:24
Location:same as always
I do not need to comment on why I think Kevin is a weirdo, just remember what you always tell me, YOU HAD A CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mary - 10/30/00 21:30:35
Location:Hampton, VA
Hi Ann!!! I like all the new stuff on your page!! I miss you berry much but you will be home for Thanksgiving soon so that's good!!! I love you lots!!! See ya soon!
elfling - 10/30/00 19:06:17
I love Anngel! She is stupendemouse! :) not even Juan is as cute as she is! :) hugs and kisses,
moi the elfmousesmurfling
Kevin - 10/24/00 23:30:55
Location:Big House
Hey babe I'm so tired but I'm thinking of you... I love you!
gargamel - 10/08/00 19:04:28
dirty dirty burtal whore
Rebecca - 10/02/00 20:44:14
Location:you know where i live
anngel! I miss you!! Next year I will be an RA in New Res and we will have a room together.. :) I need someone to laugh at Juan with me! We never get together anymore...dammit! Not enough time! Damn Tech! Damn Ochem! Damn Genetics! Damn! Dammit!D
mmit! Phew. I feel better...but I still miss my Anngel!
the mouseling
Bri! :) - 09/23/00 15:14:00
Location:My own little world :)
Hey Ann!!! Your page rocks!!!! Just wanted to stop on by and check it out, and say "HI!" while I was here... and I gues I did all that! Lata! :) (PS: CHI O 4-ever!!! :) ) Love, Bri! :)
Jenny Hayden - 09/17/00 17:42:15
Hey Ann Curle! I like your page! The KHS page was pretty funny too! Anyway, ttyl!
Heather - 09/15/00 11:06:30
Hey Ann, Just a quick note to say neat page :) Hope you're having as much fun at Tech as I'm having here!! :)
Love ya
Kevin - 09/11/00 06:35:54
Why aren't you in bed young lady.... That kevin guy is pretty cool... so is your webpage.
Ann - 09/11/00 05:01:49
My URL:earthanngel
Does this thing work now? I hope so because me and my HTML illiterate self tried to fix it after I broke it and I think it worked......
Bona - 09/10/00 13:17:34
Hey ann you need to add more to the Kevin is a weirdo page cause well he is a big weirdo. The ning think alone deserve a paragraph and the fact that he can't eat fast food at the beach house anymore! anyways the site looks great :)
Kevin - 08/23/00 14:51:22
I love your page though... THat kevin looks like a cool guy...
Smurf - 05/04/00 08:04:00
Location:Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
You are sleeping right now all cute as can be and I'm signing your guestbook... I can't wait to go to Walmart tomorrow and get your nails done... woo hoo... Should be fun fun fun... I love you and will see you very soon... Love your little Smurf Boy
Nicole Scartelli - 05/02/00 13:59:08
Location:Radfor University
Why David Hasselholf? I can't even spell his name, but thats okay.
- 05/02/00 10:52:10
you are right....there are many other reasons for kevin being a weirdo, i do agree. i know him too and i think he needs to be locked up or something.
Macel - 04/13/00 02:19:32
Good job Ann!!! Your webpage served as a good procrastination tool! I just wanted to say hi since i havent talked to you in Forever! Oh yeah, and I promise I'll bring Casino by before schools out!
Lisa - 04/08/00 20:34:37
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I just felt like signing your page again!! it is SOooo cute and I miss Target too! we will have to make many visits there this summer. hehee, and i guess we can make visits to 7-11 to get Thomas a drink and you a lottery ticket!! hhe
he lata tata ~love angel pisa
chrht - 04/07/00 20:10:01
Diane - 04/06/00 15:04:34
Kevin has always been weird, I will agree with that but he didn't become weird till he went to school in VA! Okay, I take it back it happened long ago. I love him anyway though. (i'll send you some chocolate chips!)
DexMaster Matt - 04/05/00 17:30:44
Location:420 Thomas
heather parker - 04/05/00 17:21:21
Kevin is a wierdo mostly cause of the roll on
glitter. I never knew about Kevins feminine side:
pink, glitter, satin pajamas, chocolate
Jenn - 04/05/00 16:14:20
NO Making fun of Massachusetts!!! After reading your little thing about all the reasons why Kev is a nut I just had to say that. While the things about Kev may be true, MA is the best place on earth :) Don't knock it til you try it :)
bona - 04/03/00 14:00:19
hey An!,
Tell kevin that HBB deserves his own page because we are giving him a visa to visit hhb land in Easter. And I agree with you about the baseball thing, unless it is the Phillys, Yankees, or Mets... Sorry Kev I love NYC!!!!! Viva Honey Bunny Bear
The Amazing Erk! - 04/02/00 20:53:21
Location:Richmond, VA
Howdy Ann, I just now figured out how to wurk this. I like the site is neato keen! I'll talk to you later...and will keep looking at your site to make the counter get higher!
Lisa - 04/02/00 20:17:28
Location:Radford, VA
Whats up chica? Ann is my fellow angel in crime, to all you viewers out there who didn't know that, NOW you do!! well Ann i LOVE your page, i love all the pics (esp. the one of me and tom) haha jk. i really love them all. your page is awesome!
Love ya!
Pisa Pie a.k.a Lisa
Kevin - 04/02/00 19:35:33
My URL:kevin.html
Location:Ann's Heart
Your site kicks ass. I love you... Love Kev
Ramona /Bona - 03/31/00 22:18:09
Location:hampton,va (honey bunny bear land)
Hello all, and especially to An! :) This is Bona, and I am the princess of the pink in honey bunny bear land.. Okay in real life i am attempting to become a college student at CNU majoring in english lit minoring in something, I don't know yet but i'll k
ep thinking. Hey ann you need a speical section to explain honey bunny bear land, cause it is the bestest place in the world :) Anyways other than that cool site girl and i'll see you around and about if they let me out of lotion land for the summer :)
Mary - 03/31/00 20:38:22
My URL:I don't know how to make one!
Location:Hampton, VA
Hey Ann! Your page is the most awesomeest!!! I miss you lots!!! Love ya, Mary
Mary - 03/31/00 20:35:51
My URL:don't know how to make one!!
Location:Hampton, VA
Hi ann! I love your page!!! It is the most awesomeness. You are the best sister ever. Love you lots, Mary
Amy - 03/30/00 22:50:51
My URL:don't have one cause i don't know how or have the time :)
Location:Hampton, VA
Hey there annabella! You are one of my favoritest people in the whole wide world. I like your web page. Its very cute. I can't wait until I can come visit and see you! Bubblegum icecream rocks! Talk to you soon dear. love ya lots, amy
C. L. Nolen - 03/30/00 06:05:44
Location:Hampton, VA
Wow... I seem to be the 2nd (technically first) person to sign your webpage! I'm so happy... or something. Anyway, not a complete disaster for your first site... just go check mine out, it's awesome (even more so if you dig Rammstein). Anyway, that's all
got to say 'bout that!
"We've spent all of our lives going out of our minds" - Live, "The Stood Up For Love" (just a kick ass quote!)
Ann - 03/30/00 03:06:14
My URL:You're Looking At it
This is a test...only a test...of the emergency broadcasting system! Okay Okay so not the best way to do this but HEY it had to be tested somehow!