Sons of doctors and lawyers
And wealthy politicians too
They were known throughout the land
As the vastly improving Hoos
They beat up Wake and Carolina
Then slapped BYU
No one could beat them
According to the Hoos
They thought they could win any game
With players so great
Jones and Ellis would lead them
Right past Florida State
First they would play the Techmen
But that wouldn't even be a test
Thought the over-confident Cavs
As their team simply was the best
Many fancy cars gathered
On the morning of the game
The wine and cheese was plentiful
As each discussed their fortune and fame
They spoke lowly of the Hokies
It was such a lot of fun
To joke on hicks and farmers
And tractors on the run
Then the game started
And immediately it did smell
Not of farms and barnyards
It was the Hoos who stunk like hell
The Hokies scored repeatedly
The Cavs looked sick
They could not stop the Gobblers
Led by quarterback Michael Vick
When the beating was over
Welsh complained and cried
Hopes of a UVA bowl game
Certainly have died
And throughout the Commonwealth
All Wahoos are aghast
There is no joy in Charlottsville
The Hokies kicked their ass!