Hey Everyone!!! How's it going? For those of you who don't know me that well or at all, you must understand that I am COMPLETELY computer stupid! So,making a webpage is something new! I just got really bored one day and decided to try something different and this is what I came up with.

Well I guess first things first! My name is Ann Hutton and I live in Hampton, VA. Sometime a while ago,  someone at
Kecoughtan High School decided I was smart so they let me graduate!!!! I decided to come to this beautiful land of cows and corn~Blacksburg,VA~ to Virginia Tech!!!! Right now I am majoring in political science with a concentration in legal studies, which some people find a little odd considering that this is an engineering school, but you know what~ I really don't care!! Oh yeah, I am going to Harvard for Law School!;-)

I am also a little angel! 0=) Many people don't believe me but it is the absolute total truth!! My bestest friend Lisa and I are 100% certified Angels and that is all there is to it!!!! She goes to Radford, which isn't that far away but I still never get to see her. When we are home we like to go to Target and spend hours just roaming around because we usually don't have anything better to do!

This semester I joined Chi Omega! Yes, I am now a sorority girl! All my new sisters are awesome and it is a great experience. GO CHI O!!

Some of my other favorite things to do are go to the beach, hang out wtih my friends, chill at Busch Gardens and/or Water Country, and just have a good time in general! I also like to sing! In fact I was in a show choir before I came to college. I miss Harbor Lights very, very, much. My favorite sport is gymnastics but lately I have taken a great liking to college football. Right now the Hokies are kicking some butt! Hopefully that will continue!