Kevin is sitting here holding a gun to my head making me type this. He is jealous cause Honey Bunny Bear got a page and he didn't. But I say that Honey Bunny Bear has his own land and the only land that Kevin has is in Massachusetts. And I will never, ever ever, ever in a million, zillion years want to go to that evil, backwards state. Especially not to go to a Red Sox game because I HATE baseball with a passion. The only good parts of baseball are Javier Lopez and Chipper Jones and neither one of them play for the Red Sox. Kevin also needs to clean his room because it is a mess. No, I take that back, it is a trash dump. He says New Jersey but I don't think so. I think that we do spend too much time playing Super Mario on Super Nintendo though. Kevin should probably be cleaning his room instead. Kevin is sitting behind me right now drinking hot chocolate and I swear if he spills it on me I am going to pinch him! He thinks that I love Boston but I don't and he keeps putting up away messages that say "Ann Loves Boston" but it really isn't true. He is trying to convince me to go to Boston to watch baseball, but I can torture myself in that way at home. We have an ALMOST pro team.....and besides if I wanted to watch baseball I would go to Atlanta. At least it is hot there! Let's see...why else is Kevin a weirdo.......He says I should be able to come up with lots of things to say about him being wierd. In his own words "I am a freak show." Kevin also needs a haircut but that probably won't happen this century because he won't be able to get out of his room to go get one. Monsters live in trash......everyone knows that. Oh yeah........the other night when we went to Zeppoli's.......Kevin had an absolute coniption over Andes Chocolate Mint Pie....I mean yeah the stuff is wondermous but I don't think it warrants the ovation that Kevin gave it! Kevin doesn't know how to do dishes either. When you finish Hot Chocolate..you wash out the cup! The End! Kevin doesn't like strawberries, or lettuce, or lemons.......three of my personal favorite foods......therefore he is a weirdo. Kevin also made me type this all in pink. I mean i was gonna type in pink anyway because it goes so well with the background. But the point is that Kevin requested this color. Go Figure! I have now come up with several more reasons why Kevin is a weirdo. First of all, today is April 4 and it was snowing. Now, most of us think this is a little strange and were saddened by having to go back to long pants and sweatshirts. Not Kevin...he was wearing shorts, a mesh football jersey without an undershirt, and sandals! Talk about weirdo. Maybe it is just because I am not from Massachusettes or something but I really just think it is because Kevin is a weirdo. Kevin also made me go in search of chocolate chips the other night so we could have chocolate chip pancakes. I think he will be three in a few days! In any case, I didn't find them and he was greatly disappointed. The only thing that cheered him up was the intriging video on skyscrapers showing on the wonderful VTTV. Oh yeah......he also let me put roll on glitter all over him. OK so maybe he trusted me enough to close his eyes while i did it....but still he didn't yell about it afterwards. He also put on satin pajamas, which is weirdo for any guy.....but especially weirdo for Kevin. I have some more things that make Kevin weirdo! First of all is Janet Reno. I think Kevin wants to be the father of her love child or something. But because this subject totally grosses me out I will move on. David Hasselhoff........Kevin talks about him all the time. How Germans love David Hasselhoff and how he is the BEST actor in all the land. I really don't understand this but I supposed it wasn't meant for me to understand and that is alright with me. I am just gonna stop asking! But come on now...David Hasselhoff.....he's so old.......but then so is Kevin so I guess they can relate. My thing is that at least he could pick a HOT old actor to obsess over.....Antonio Banderas would be my first choice...there;'s also Harrison Ford and Patrick Swayze.........but NOOOOOO it has to be David Hasselhoff...GO FIGURE! Kevin is also obsessed wiht Easy Mac........it seems to me that noodles and microwaves DO NOT go together. Maybe it is a guy thing and who am I to argue with that one? Okay....I am done for right now..... Hey, after along summer away from school and fast ethernet connections, I have finally returned! And along with me I have brought some more reasons why Kevin is a weirdo! I had all summer to figure some more out becuase Kevin was only 45 minutes away from me in Williamsburg!! ;-) <And by the way, I did go to Boston with Kevin this summer, so I take back what I said earlier.> Okay, I will start with Putt Putt. Kevin says it is Miniature Golf....NO......it is Putt Putt, it always has been and always will be. Hmm.....okay skip all the summer stuff..it was too long ago and I can't remember it all. Oh yeah, really quick...Kevin can't make macoroni..... I will move onto the other weekend at the Akron game! After a BIG disappointment with the cancellation of the BCA bowl, we were all a little upset and pretty much ready for football by the time Akron got into town. But up and above EVERYONES excitement stood Kevin's! The game started at noon so does someone want to tell me why he woke me up at 8:30 in the AM? I will tell you why...because he is a weirdo! He said he knew I needed time to get ready.....but HELLO it was just a football game not the prom or something! And another thing...Kevin taped the game and watched it later......we were there three hours before and saw it live...there was no point to watch it again! Silly boy...... Well, thanks to Bona, Princess of the Pink, I have remembered some more weirdo things Kevin does! NING! Yes that's right..that is Kevinspeak for Lightening. You see, he has this theory that if lightening is going to strike it would be better to yell NING then LIGHTENING because it is shorter and therefore would give you more time to get out of the way! The one thing Kevin neglected to remember in formulating this theory is that light travels faster then sound so it really wouldn't matter what you yelled or how short it was, the lightening would get there first! Guess someone slept through Physics 101 that day! Low flying planes comes to mind too......when they were going to spray for mosquitos this summer Kevin about had a kaniption..OK, He DID have a kaniption, when he found out that the planes sprayed from 200 feet. Yes, that's right, Big Jets at 200 feet. It was really quite funny to see this act of rage! Ask my mom, she was there! Does someone want to tell me why Kevin wanted to spend the night in the Target Parking lot the other night? Playstation 2 came out the other day and Kevin was determined to be the first one to have one. Why he couldn't wait til after Christmas is beyond me. Anyhow, his solution to this supply and demand problem was to spend the night waiting in line. When the Target manager came out and told us we had to leave Kevin decided that an obvious solution to this problem was to drive 30 minutes away to the middle of nowhere <and I thought Blacksburg was bad> to WalMart. Needless to say he got his toy and spent the whole time on the way home coddling it. I have lost my boyfriend to video games!! Kevin is a Smurfaholic! |