Ramona had informed me that I need a special page to explain Honey Bunny Bear Land....So here it is! Unfortunatly I was not around when Honey Bunny Bear came to be, but I shall do my best.  It happened in Febuary of 1997 on a Spanish field trip to Evita. Ramona was a junior and Steve was a senior. Somewhere between then and now, Ramona, trying to get Steve's attention blurted out Honey, then Bunny, then Honey Bunny Bear. <Or at least this is how I understand it!> Somehow it stuck and a whole world has evolved. Ramona lives in Bona's corner which is pink and covered in chocolate and pizza. She is from now on known as Bona, Princess of the Pink! I am not EXACTLY sure of Steve's title. I think it is like King Honey Bunny Bear or Emporer Honey Bunny Bear or something like that. I do know that he likes to collect taxes. In his part of Honey Bunny Bear land little blue penguins and tae kwon do are plentiful!
     Over the last couple of year's, Steve has graciously let several peasants live in his prestigious land. <I think it is just so he can collect his little taxes but oh well> As far as I know, Bona has named me An! I don't think I have an official title cause she can't think of one. Greg has also been given a name~ Sir Greg of the Ficus. And somehow, I don't really understand it but whatever, she has named my little sister Duchess Mary. <She gets a title before me.......SHEESH!> But it's all good. Lisa lives in Honey Bunny Bear Land too......as do Steve and Ramona's friends Adam, who Bona calls Abum, and Kara. <I don't really know these people so I can't really elaborate!> Thomas was extended an invitation but I think he declined.
    Back in the day, Joe and Marie decided to make TelyLover Land. This WAS an evil land full of beer and cigarettes. Eventually, Honey Bunny Bear succeeded in annexing this land and making it cool. Now I believe that Joe and I think Marie too live in Honey Bunny Bear land. They are under the rule of Princess Bona and her big pink marshmellows! Over the course of a while I think others have been considered as residents but I really don't think any of them have made it. So there you have it.......HONEY BUNNY BEAR LAND!

This is the best interpretation of a Honey Bunny Bear that I could come up with!