Recent additions:
   17 January 2006: Check it out, I'm still around. I've got nothing new to add, and as expected, site traffic is extremely low. Still, if someone from the old Starcraft days happens upon this site, then "hi!", I hope things are well with yourself. Oh and my plan for being done university in April 2006? Shot down because I got into graduate school. April 2007 I am truly done with post-secondary education for good! Honest!
   30 October 2004: I removed my email addrress from the left sidebar because I no longer check it. If anyone is reading this, you must be looking for Starcraft maps or you knew me once and you're wondering what happened to me. Well, the maps are at the link on the left. As for what happened to me, I'm still in university (really!) and I'm collecting degrees. :p April 2006 and I am done for good. It'll be exciting!
   27 December 2003: So it has been a year and the Starcraft Maps Archive sees a very minor update. If you're curious as to what has changed, check the Archive. The link is on the navigation bar to the left. Once again, the Starcraft Maps Archive will remain here as long as Geocities continues to exist. :) Strangely, the Archive has seen more hits in the last half year than it did while it was actually being updated on a regular basis. My thanks to these new visitors.
   30 December 2002: This site is on indefinite hiatus. My thanks to everyone that has visited for Starcraft maps, you know who you are. More thanks to those that decided to send little ol' me some of their own custom maps. :) The Starcraft maps section will remain here as long as Geocities offers free space.