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My Blog
Fave Radio Station



Club Rainbow
LIVERPOOL TV - For the fans
Generally speaking...
A person living in Singapore...
I love music. I used to be in the school band, playing the clarinet. I love the sound clarinet produces. And I really miss playing in the band. Learning to play the piano has been great but for me, the piano is a solo instrument and I miss playing in a group.  Music is always vital in my life and I think it helps me to achieve what I want in life.
I also love to read and enjoy movies. My favourite belong to the romantic thriller category. I figure that life is hard enough without reading books or watching movies that depressed me! I tried to read widely and is presently trying to include more non fiction into my reading list!
I also enjoy watching most sports, and my personal favourite soccer team is Liverpool FC. This is a kind of family tradition.
After visiting States, Korea and Japan, I have every intention to visit States again, only because I could not drive, I decided not to. In the end, I am going back to Korea to learn to ski and have more fun, I am looking forward to that, 2005 had not been a good year so far and I am looking to have a fresh start.
Life is just like that, just when I thought I reach my goals, I realised that this might not be the place I want to go to for so long... Time to reflect
My religion roots me,
the universe keeps me humble,
travelling and reading broadens my horizon,
and art & music soothe and feed my soul
Favourite quote:
Ad astra per aspera (The road to the stars is rough)
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