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  1. Geological survey and mapping

  2. Exploration Geophysics : groundwater investigation, site investigations for construction and  archeology, etc.

  3. GIS preparation, analysis and evaluation

  4. Stratigraphy analysis

  5. Micropaleontological and polen analysis

  6. Environmental Geology: Eco-geology, Urban geology, Geohazard mitigation, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Soil and water pollution prevention, Groundwater exploration, management and conservation, as well as Community Development.

  7. Groundwater modeling and analysis

  8. Engineering Geology : Site investigation, Soil and Rock mechanic analysis, Slope stability analysis, and Feasibility study

  9. Exploration of  mineral resources

  10. Field Excursion, such as by visiting some unique geological phenomena in Karst area, Volcanic area, Aeolian area, Melange area,  Southern Mountain, Sangiran, etc.


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Last modified: November 25, 1999