CS 184 - Final Project

Scorpion Stinger (BMRT Animation)

Group Members:

Paul Schnetlage CS184-EY 13354184
Robert Zhang CS184-CA 14072298
Frank Shieh CS184-EE 12985412

Project Overview:

We plan to create a one minute animation sequence using BMRT staring a giant scorpion and our lovely TA. The scorpion will travel through several terrain demonstrating various movements and positions while chasing after our guest star. The sequence would be viewed from different angles. We will implement several obstacles to make the chase more exciting.

Work Division:

Paul will handle the creation of our star scorpion and plan its movements. Robert will experiment with surfaces textures for the objects in the scene as well as design the poor guy being chased by the scorpion. Frank will construct the terrain and update the webpage. All three will work together to construct and direct the final animation sequence.

Some Screen Shots:

(First Deliverable)

Scorpion in the still position.
Scorpion with some leg movement.

Textured Scorpion from different angles

(Second Deliverable)

Picture of the mysterious guest star (Can you guess who he is???)


Examples of Animation:

Right click to download

1) Scorpion walking (2.92 mb)

(.rib file)

2) Scorpion chopping (1.37 mb)

(.rib file)

(Final Deliverable)

1) Final version of scorpion walking (9.70 mb)

(.rib file)

2) Final version of scorpion chopping (2.27 mb)

(.rib file)

and the source files:

scorpion.cpp used to generate the shape of the scorpion and it's movements.

scorpattack.cpp used to generate the chopping movements of the scorpion.

terrain.cpp used to generate the terrain.

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