Welcome to Private's Custom Grips! I am a crafter of hand made grip panels for Ruger single action revolvers.  Currently I am making grip panels for Ruger's: Blackhawk, New Model Blackhawk, 50th Anniversery Blackhawk, Vaquero, New Vaquero, Single Six, Super Single Six, short barreled Super Blackhawks, and Old Army single action revolvers. 

          At this time, all indirect sales are conducted through
eBay.  I will also do "made to order" grips for a flat rate of $59 per pair for standard materials (Walnut, Holly, and most Maples) and $79 per pair of stabilized grips.  If you are interested in this, click on the link to the left for more information.
Ebay Sales
(Direct Sales)
Sold Grips
Ruger Grip Frames
When was my Ruger made?
RugerForum.com NRA.org
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There have been visitors since 08/14/2007
All images on this web site are the exclusive property of Private's Custom Grips, owned and operated by Carl R. Schultz, and may not be reproduced in any way without written permission from the owner. 

Copyright 2007, Carl R. Schultz