Assigment 5 - Wrapup

Make sure you change the title above replacing "MYNAME" with your real name.


Create a function to check the entries in the following fields. It should return either true or false depending on whether the number entered in the field is within the range specified.

Each field has a button next to it. Each button should use the function you created to evaluate the value in the field and respond to the user. The response should one of two short statments: "Your input is OK" or "Your input is not OK", depending on whether or not the number in the field is within the range specified for that field.

The first button (ck0) should display its response in an alert dialog.

The second button (ck1) should display its response in a prompt dialog.

The third button (ck2) should display its response in the window's status bar.

Enter a number between 5 and 45:

Enter a number between -123 and 467:

Enter a number between 1 and 3:

Email me [subject:MFC213 Lesson 5-F] the url of the page when it is done.
updated Tue, Feb 15, 2000 19:08