Sigma        Sigma
Alpha        Delta
Iota         Chapter
University of Illinois

Activies and Events



The Sigma Delta Chapter Spring semester has been very busy.  We started off the new year with a bang!!!!  With 5 pledges, the pledge meetings, and our own sisterhood bonding we were hard at work. 

The semester is winding down and things have fallen right into place.  Initiation was beautiful and we were joined by The Nu chapter from Millikin University. 

Our 5 New Initiates are very excited to become sisters!! Our chapter is happy to have them.  They are going to be great addition to the Sigma Delta Family.

Sigma Delta Ladies had a great year semester for community service.  The one thing that sticks out in my mind is The Franklin Middle School Talent Show.  The Sigma Delta's helped out by being Judges ( which I was ) , helping at the door by collecting tickets, taking pictures of all the acts, and also video taping.  The children were great!!!! The best one was a little 6th Grader who sang the theme song to POKEMON!!!! What a Cutie!!! But unforunatley he didn't win. But we loved him anyway. 

It seems that when ever the Sigma Delta's get together they have a great time.  The bonds that are created can never be broken.  The best part is that it happens by helping others and bringing music into their lives!!!


This year has been  great for me.  Being able to bring to the SAI community the joys that SAI has givin to me over the 4 years that I have been a sister is a blessing.  I hope that this webpage has givin you a chance to get to know a little more about what we do here at the U of I. Even though I am graduating I will always be a Sigma Delta... a Sigma Delta For ever!!!

- Dena Santorelli  
Sigma Delta Editor 2000