you'll turn into something you're not

let's just drop that apron and enjoy the night


                                                                                                                                                car, windows rolled

toes, curled


eyes, rolled

people, escaped

                                                                                                                        wishes, made


                                                                                                                                                     authorities, magnetized

hands behind her back


or clasped

                                                                                                                                            just one more

i can't

please, pleaded

                                                                                                firmly: no

i'll wait for you

                                                                                    how long

                                                                                                                                    foreve           r


                                                                                                                                                                i can't do this for you

anger, ?

but then she says "where are you now when i need you"
















people, all mad






























still waiting














to go back













to have you back













i told you i'll wait














can't return














he waits, like he said he would




















oh i do it to myself






















yeah you do

















she waits












without sympathy











she'll forgive












that's disappointing

























just hum
























feeling stands up inside of her


















each single day













who is at the door














who is on the phone













who is pulling up















she's sitting still






















he shakes



















don't shake for me

so sickened

time, dripping

she won't come back

i can't

he feels like a beggar

all of them, cheapened

everybody owes somebody something


she's here

but he went

isn't that a shame

i didn't bring you here