A Diary of my days in the United States Of America
I am presently studying at the University Of North Texas in the Department of Computer Science. I have joined the Masters Degree plan in Fall'99 and plan to finish my graduation by Spring 2001.
My courses page gives a description about the courses I have taken and plen to take. If you would like to read about them go here.
My first 24 hours :
Well, I arrived dead tired over the Atlantic in a Delta Airlines flight. My first stopover was at Frankfurt (Stop over or what : 8:00 hours on the airport), from there to Cincinnati (First Breath of America ; actually not yet...the airport was enclosed ), and finally to Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport ( where I actually first breath the American air ; it was nothing great ) . I had friends form the Indian Student Association who had come over to pick us up..there was Sashi, Nandkishore, Shravan and Naveen.
Reached home of Praveen,Pratap,Siddharth,Ramesh, Sandeep who were to be my temporary custodials. Met other people from Mumbai - Milind, Jatin, Rupesh, Hemil and had my first meal - RICE with BEANS. Slept like a log and got up late the next day. Met other Indians and soon realized that there were lots of them. I never thought I would be between so many of them in a town called Denton about which I had never heard. Met Sandeep and Chaitanya and went to see my first Hindi film in America - Kohram. Boy were we bored. I mean just 20 hours after our landing we were sitting and watching a Hindi film of all the things to do. But got to see the surrounding areas and an Asian gorcery and video store.
Next few days :
Looking for jobs, opeing bank accounts, looking for apartments, getting used to the place basically. Had the oppurtunity to attend a few parties for free. There was the graduation party for Sashi and his friends who had completed their studies that summer; then there was the Indian Independance Day Celebration on 15th August when we played cricket all day and had tasty Indian food. Man , how I miss that food now. Waiting for college to start and see some Americans !!! Registered for the above courses and paid my fees (Man that hurt !!!).
Classes begin and so does the job :
I managed to get a job in the Beverage section of Kerr Cafeteria, the largest on campus. It was a 7:00 am to 10:30 am job and barely paid me enough to live it out. However I decided to stick with it till I found something better. Classes were going on pretty well till the assignments came. And boy did they come...I mean they didn't have to come all together did they. Got another job and switched immediately. Presently working as an Office Assistant in the Child Development Department.
Now :
Busy with projects to do...assignments to write...tests to give...just study.
Friends :
Below is the list of my friends without whom my initial days in the US of A would not have been something to write about. They are not in any order of preferences...just as the names pour out of my mind and I wish to thank them all...My roomies : Deepak,Satyam,Prasanna
Shravan, Naveen, Milind, Jatin, Nandkishore, Sashi, Hemil, Rupesh, Praveen, Pratap, Siddharth, Ramesh, Sandeep (1), Sandeep (2), Chaitanya, Suresh, Mithun, Vinay, Sandeep (3), Amit, Sridhar, Srinivas, Tana, Mohit, Pankaj, Keyur, Sameer, Vishal, Swapnil, Siraj, Thota, Jallapurum, and if I have forgotten someone...please do not mind...I can remember faces but I have a tough time remembering names.
And now for the girls...hmmm..let me see...well there is Laxmi, Sandhya (1), Sandhya (2), Devi, Aneema, Sangeeta, Rupal, Richa, Madhuri, Neelima, etc...
Recent photos - Feb 14,2002
Recent photos - My first car - May,2002
Recent photos - Niagara Falls , NY - May,2002For futher enquiries or comments write to me at Biggshot's Mailbox
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