What would you do if you won a million dollars?

Ever since I got that "you can win 11 million dollars" thing in the mail, I've dreamed about what I would do if I won the money. Of course, they promised me that money 5 years ago, but I'm still waiting...
Anyway, I have a lot of ideas for the money, so I'm going to tell you about them, and I'm going to put in a message board or guestbook kind of thing where you can tell me what you would do.
First I'd pay off my college debts. I know, not very exciting, but business has to come first. I'm only a sophomore in college, and I owe sooooooo much money. And it will only get a lot worse from here. I'm going to be here another three years, then it's 4 of vet school. It's going to cost somewhere around $100,000 just for vet school!! It would be nice to not have to worry about that.
After that, I would take care of my family. I would buy my mom a house on a mountain with a lot of huge windows on Mount Desert Island, right by the ocean. I'd buy my older sister Anna her own house for her and her two munchkins, and help her start her own business with some of her patents. I would buy my younger sister Lindsey a house with a lot of closets for all of her clothes and a big gift certicate to a mall. I would buy all three of them all the stuff they need for their own art studio in their houses, 'cause all three of them are artists. I think I would just buy everyone a house for Christmas.
Then I would buy a place in some city like New York City where I would open an art gallery for my family. It would include my mom's paintings, my younger sister's cartoons, all sorts of my older sister's various art styles, my aunt's pottery, my grandma's crocheting, my grandfather's paintings, my cousin's photography, and my stick figures, just for laughs.
Then I would buy stuff for my friends. For Jill, some horses, all standardbreds saved from auction. And a pink castle, where she and her knight can live happily ever after. And the basement would be full of ping pong tables and chess boards for the knight. For Steph, a big farm house where she can have all the pets she wants, and hire people to come and help care for them and play with them. I would hire people to be professional pet petters. :) I would also buy her her crush and put him in the house, wrapped in a big red ribbon. I would buy Hillary a house in New York City, where she can be on Broadway. I would also buy her a vacation to tour Europe. I would buy Kathy a nice house with a big backyard for her horse Maxi. I would find her a nice boyfriend that wasn't an asshole and wrap a red ribbon around him too. I would buy Jen a little red wagon so that she can get people to pull her around to classes, instead of walking on her broken foot. ;) I'd buy my big brother a ticket to fly over here to visit me and a computer company to run himself.
After that I'd buy myself a big house near my mom's that I can decorate the way I have in my sketches. I'd buy a couple of horses, a milk cow, and a couple of laying hens, so I can have fresh milk and eggs. I would buy a big fluffy dog and a cat from an animal shelter and bring my house bunny back from Connecticut to come live with me. When I finished vet school, I would appretince for a few years, then open a vet practice/animal shelter/pet store. I would have a program where people who can't afford to have special care for their animls could come to me and get them fixed for free.