Yes, I like cows. Now, don't get that attitude. It's not that I think cows are "soooo cute." Actually, the word I would use is beautiful. Ok, now you think I'm nuts. But think about it. Ok, you've got the countryside: brown, green, brown, green, brown, green, brown, green. The black and white cows look great on that background.
Check out some art by Lowell Herrero.
And they're so docile. Ok, I'm saying that after I got kicked milking a cow in animal science lab. But, hey, so would you if someone stuck cold metal tubes on your udders and sucked all the milk out of you. Now, don't get squeamish. After all, most of you drink milk that comes from those udders and out of the milking machine.

You're probably wondering, 'Why cows? Why not puppies or kittens or something?' Well, here's why. Many years ago, my family went on a trip to Pennslavania. We stayed on a Menanite dairy farm. I got up really early in the morning to milk the cows with the farmers. They let me milk one by hand, which isn't as easy as it looks, even though they use a milking machine, which is a good idea, cause they had a lot of cows. Hand milking takes a long, long time. I was surprised by how calm and docile they were. Then I went to play with the newborn calves. I was hooked. You haven't lived until you've had a calf suck your fingers. :-) After that I decided I wanted to be a farmer. My mom was amused. She was going to be able to tell her friends about her daughter, the doctor. Now she had to tell them about her daughter, the dairy farmer. I stuck to that ambition for 2 years, then decided to become a vet. That's kinda a cross between a doctor and a farmer, isn't it? And that's where I am now. Well, I'm not a vet, yet, I'm in pre-vet school. But that's another story.

I just had a calf management class in animal science. It was very interesting. We dehorned and castrated some calves. I won't go into that story. It may cause the guys to get a little sick, and I wouldn't want to cause that. Not if I can't see the reaction myself. :-) If you want to hear about that, you can email me, and I'll tell you about the wonderful process of castration and dehorning.

There's also a class/club here called UMAD Cows. I don't know too much about that, though, cause I don't have the time, or the free credit hours to take it. But I'll hunt down the web page, if you're interested in hearing about that. I'll also add some other cow sites at the bottom. Oh and a site displaying the rare finger cow. (don't ask) And if anyone has any ideas about the font color of this page, I'm open to them. No colors seems to work with the black and white background.

Complete Guide to Cows
Cows Caught in the Web
Cow Idealogies
Net Vet
Books on Cows
Big Dave's Cow Page
Play Cow
Hay Eaters:Cow Art
Cow's of Prince Edward Island
Mad Cow