Write Stuff - Issue 1
been rumoured that some people were not allowed on the HPS trip last year"
Repudaman Chabra - "...sorry, there’s no room for you on the trip"
(Not to
mention Repudaman was Mukundan's opponent in the elections)
FARTS a.k.a SRMGH society's presi has
applied for additional security (as if the walled fortress weren't enough)
following a successful bomb attack on her person. All tenders for security
arrangements are invited.
The shameless
plagiarism of last years topics for this years GD did not deter the
hostellers or the volunteers (who stayed back solely for the refreshments they
were promised) from crowding the seminar room. By the way, it doesn't take many
people to crowd our seminar room.
are you there??
worry guys.....inka number bhi aayega!!
you lately seen the Eco Soc presi and his chief coordinator walking around
college dressed in immaculate shirts and forcing people to buy coupons for
Career Launchers 'Mock Cat '? See
what paucity of funds does to you.
self praise is no praise, the ELS finds no mention in this article.
-Arijit Bose & Nakul Gupta
somebody who's been through it all.
"To be or not to be" is surrogated by "Should I or should
I not go for it "
the ELS commences its distribution of forms for the much awaited Mr. & Ms FRESHER contest, especially when the first question on
the preposterous form is as sarcastic as "What in this world makes you
think that you stand even the remotest chance of being crowned Mr./Ms
Is this contest worth the efforts put in to rattle one's brains to answer
the form with the wittiest of answers, brace up ones countenance, figure and
attire for the occasion, and most of all to face the "most cultured and
disciplined" audience, when one is standing stark obvious on the stage
while the theatre lights are driving one's eyes nearly blind?
this contest is certainly the ultimate arena for those who are blessed with such
sensitive hearing faculties as they can glean up some words of meaning from
those incoherent questions of the event anchor. It’s the most apt place for
showing their talents for those market buffs who can convincingly create a
popular demand for themselves on stage. It’s a ring of action for those whose
guts allow them to accept the most offending comment from the audience and the
preposterous projector, as gracefully as they were being presented with a
bouquet of fresh tulips. This contest is worth all the pains for those who’s
mental faculties can assist them in contorting the whackiest of uses for the
most domestic props such as a broom, a bucket, a mirror, a pillow or a ball.
The event is the greatest opportunity for those orators who have the
heart to step into the shoes of Pamela Anderson or Godzilla and rebut on
"Size does matter".
go hand in hand with the rewards. The rewards are a score of internet hours,
people standing in long queues muttering when they see you "Hey make way
for Mr./Ms fresher", cute guys and girls coming to congratulate you and
nonetheless a volley of demands for treat in the canteen from all the sundry.
To say the last, If you have it in you, go for it! And leave alone Hamlet
contemplating "to be or not to be"
PS: For
further details, contact Bahniman Hazarika, Aditi Bharara, Kuruvilla Alexander,
Richa Kumar and Abhishek S Ram. They were partners to plight.
Prerna Jain
2nd runners up (ed’s note- to
err is human)
and again we here at SRCC have proved to the world that we are a force to be
reckoned with on the playgrounds too .Of course I'm talking about the boys teams
only (I’d be putting my foot in my mouth if I were so committal about the
girls teams). Anyway, without wasting anymore space on this magazine let me
encapsulate for you what our college has been up to on the sports scene.
The SR
cricket team, according to reliable sources, was in a state of delirium after an
uncharacteristic win over Desbandhu
College. But their happiness was short-lived as Hansraj put them to shame in the
prequarters (every day is not a Sunday
guys!!). They were somewhat done retributive justice when our TT team trounced
Hansraj 3-0, thus recording the first ever whitewash in DU TT history.
Our BB
team has had mixed fortunes this year. After the fiasco at the St.Stephens
invitational, our team redeemed itself by coming second both in the YMCA
invitational and the University championship. Our hockey team bombed this year
at the inter-college with an exit in just the second round.
Parasher……yup, the very same guy you see monkeying around in college has
been adjudged the 'Best gymnast' in
the University. It is however rumoured that there were only five people in
contention for the award. And our Handball team miraculously (They won one match
in the four they played) finished fourth in the inter-college tournament.
the Football and Badminton tournaments yet to take place, we hope to kick some
more .......backside.
Go SRCC!!!
-Varun Dalal and Saket Ganeriwalla
the qualities of, but not looking much like Jim Morison’s 20th century fox, I
arrived fashionably late for Oasis
from my extended autumn vacation in Bombay. Having vowed to grace Oasis with my
presence this year, I had convinced myself that any (further) classes I missed
would be in the line of duty representing the college, and taking the contingent
to Pilani. As I had incorporated the
will, I set out to discover the way. After much persuasion, I managed to round
up Saket, Dalal and Bose
to catch the last bus to Pilani. Armed with warm jackets and some of us with
fake IDs, we made our way to Bhagirathi, our allotted hostel, just opposite ANCS(All night canteen a.k.a
A Nightly Candid Snack).
the aid of Bose's frequent last-year-in-Pilani tales, we survived on a daily
dose of Dosas and chofo(chocolate & coffee) shakes. Our cash stash was
somewhat depleted by the 500 chip registration fee which we consequently decided
to make full utilisation of, by participating in every event we were awake for.
highlight of the trip, apart from losing Saket's camera, breaking into the guest
house, making counterfeit milkshake coupons and 'borrowing' an absentee
BITSian's bicycle for travelling from the
Informalz Desk to our accommodation centre, was Mr.
and Ms. Oasis. Christened MAMO, it's the crowning event (pun intended) of
Oasis. As it turned out, both Bose and me ended up being crowned!!!
With a
host of memories, fed-up of Tambi
BITSians counting the mattresses in our room, up to our ears in milkshakes and Dosas, we
returned, dreary and weary-eyed to the starless skies and polluted streets of
Delhi, which beats Pilani hollow when it comes to cooking up dust-storms.
- Siddhartha Butalia.
are green,stand proud on strong masts,holding
within themselves an assortment of stuff that was given due recognition as
trash,litter,rubbish........or what you will.
which now knows its place;now has its identity as ' garbage'.
to you for the first time in SRCC- DUSTBINS
any thoughts contemplating the relevance of this column by letting us remind you
of the importance of dustbins.
serving the basic purpose of disposal of refuse,it has (at least in SRCC) formed
the part of the speeches and promises of many an election candidiate.
said they had lied? It was on the list of things to be done;it was on the
agenda.The day did dawn when,at last ,this agenda became the ' green monument '.
installed the much needed dustbins was an appreciable job.I hope that the
concerned authorities also ensure, now ,as well as in the future,that the
garbage that goes in also goes out.Only if the facility for its regular
cleaning is kept up will it be "worth
you information".
Jasmeet Minhas
DUTA strike - A day off or a day
okay if it's just a day or two, but
an indefinite strike could mean serious loss of classes. A day off is fun, but I
wouldn't opt for weeks off."
- Prerna Malhotra,
B.Com(H) II-B
day off 'cuz I can meet my girlfriend"
- Gauravjit, Eco(H) II-B
day off cuz then I can sleep, watch TV, go out with my friends and 'drink'"
- Prithvi, B.Com(H) I
strike would be a 'day off' from classes and a 'day on' for Dram.Soc
Neha Gondal, Eco(H) IIA
think of DUTA strike as a day off 'cuz it's better to study at home than in
college. Anyways, enough of girls" (???!!!???)
- Nitish Arora,
B.Com(H) II-D
a day lost because anyway we are not able to finish our course and if we have an
indefinite strike, we'll end up as nothing"
- Ankur Kathuria,
B.Com (H) II-(ed's note-Which college do u
belong to?)
life is all about friends. It's definitely a day lost 'cuz I can't meet my
- Mohit Verma, Eco(H) II-B
A few
weeks back, the college fees had been hiked (only for this year) by Rs.500 on account of the Platinum
Jubilee celebrations later this year and by Rs.150 (permanent increase with effect from the next academic year)
on account of payment for the use of the sport facilities. 125 students were asked whether they favoured this hike and the
following was the result of our poll.
- 56%
- 36%
know/Can't Say - 8%
Note :
The student poll was based on random selection(whoever our poller managed to
catch at dayschi point). It does not
necessarily represent the view of the college students in general.
The Dice Man - Luke
This is
a classic subversive book from the early 70s, banned in several countries.
Luke Rhinehart is a bored psychoanalyst trying to finish a book on sado-masochism,
in a marriage which like most after 15 years is losing it’s spark. To bring
about some change in his mundane lifestyle, he attempts to follow the Zen way of
living and ‘moving with the flow’. After a drunken poker game with his
friends he decides on a whim to follow the commands he assigns to each of it’s
faces, and rolls the die. “If the dice has a 'one' face up, I thought,
I'm going downstairs to rape Arlene.”
then on, the dice rule his life. From insignificant decisions like whether he
should go for a coffee break to devastating decisions like the directions he
should give his patients. Rhinehart opens up a whole new perspective from which
to view life, leaving everything up to the chance of the roll of a die!!!
Siddhartha Butalia.
Notes From A Big Country - Bill Bryson
Cynically British and extremely laughable would be best to describe "Notes
from a big country" by Bill
Bryson. This book is in form of 78 chapters that are basically Bill Bryson's
columns in a newspaper regarding America. Bryson, an American, takes a dig at
virtually every aspect of the “new” American society, be it their
complicated tax form, couch potatoes or their meaningless TV commercials, when
he returns home after 30 odd years in Britain. Although full of wisecracks, this
book is a unique insight into the American way of life.
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