of ELS
The English Literary Society
can boast of being amongst the most active societies in
SRCC. We remain active throughout the year, thanks to the
efforts of members from first and second years, and from
corporate bodies, in the form of sponsorship Following
are some of the activities of the English Literary
Society during the year :
Freshers' Welcome and
Talent Hunt
The Freshers' Welcome is the
event that sets the ball rolling as far as ELS activities
during the year go. Conducted some time in September
every year, The Freshers' Welcome and Talent Hunt are
battles keenly contested. This event was held this year
on 30th September.
The Talent
Hunt comprises
five categories namely Singing, Dancing
Mimicry/Monoacting, Instrumental Music and Elocution
The Titles of Mr.
and Miss Fresher are the most sought
after titles amongst the First Years. The battle of
glitz, glamour and intellect culminates in the crowning
of Mr. and Miss Fresher. The process that goes into
selecting the titles involves a preliminary scanning
round followed by the main event in the auditorium. The
winners this year were Mr. Fresher - Mr. Arijit Bose and
Miss Fresher - Ms. Jaya Pandey
'The Write Stuff'
The 'Write Stuff' is the
name of the ELS Irregularly magazine. Brought out at gaps
of 10-15 days, this magazine serves as a launching pad
for budding essayists, poets and the like, from college.
However, this magazine is not all about serious stuff as
you will discover. It includes a lot of 'non-techie'
stuff such as trivia quizzes, puzzles, jokes, crosswords
and much more.The Write Stuff also keeps you up to date
with the latest happenings in college.
'Hush Hush'
'Hush Hush' is a daily spice
magazine that is put up on the notice boad. Get to know
the lesser known sides of people and events in college as
Evil Eye spills the beans. Everybody who has created
'news' in college gets to enjoy a day of 'fame' on Hush
Keep those contributions
pouring in......please report all the days spice to Evil
Eye (find out who he/she is)!!
'Up close'
English Literary Society will be introducing a series of
events called 'Up Close', which give you a chance to meet
celebrities from just about every field, up close and
personal. Find out how they made it to the top, what it
takes to stay there or just about anything else you'd
like to.
We would like to have as many
celebrities as possible in 'Up-Close' sessions. All
SRites who have sources to bring such celebrities to
college, please contact the ELS President Arun Unni or
ELS Secretary Shweta Jhanji regarding the same.
Views in News
Get a chance to express
your views on topics of current interest in the form of
surveys that are conducted by the ELS. These surveys
cover topics ranging from careers to Kashmir. You can
cast your vote for the survey online, below
Quiz Club
Starting this year, ELS will
be organising a Quiz Club in college. This Club will meet
at regular intervals and members will conduct quizzes
amongst themselves. If you are interested in joining the
Quiz Club, kindly click on the tab 'Quiz Club' on the
left hand navigation bar.
English Literary Society organises 21 events (the largest
number by any society) during Crossroads - the cultural
festival of SRCC. To find out more about these events, as
also the fest, click the left hand navigation bar link