Welcome to my website.
A big new section that has just been added includes links to useful information concerning Intellectual Property such as patents, designs and trade marks. If you've got any questions or want some advice on intellectual property, do drop me a line at the email address below.
Most of the rest of what's here is (hopefully) amusing gibberish with the disgustingly colourful frame bar above and the java'd index below just for the sake of having them. If you can't see the frame bar, Click here for the full experience!
Organisation is the key, so here's the index - such as it is:
Finally, if you feel like getting in touch with me, all you need do is whistle.
You know how to whistle, don't you?
You just hit this link and email me at: g_dallimore@yahoo.co.uk
Please write if you stumble across this page - it would be good to know how many other bored surfers there are out there...