Welcome to Stacy Tsai's Page
  I would say this web page is now a historical part of my life. This chapter has ended and another chapter had already begun. Now I moved to Houston working there. Life of a student is over, but I am certainly still learning.
   New or old friends, give me a hollar :) stacy.tsai@aguirre-fields.com
   luv, Stacy
Dec. 2003
Got some memorable events captured on pix, however, I must warn you, the site has VERY limited band width - so if it stops working... you know why. Maybe someday I'll have my own web space... for unlimited usage....
* Ski Trip to
Retreat 2001 ATPC
* Random Pix
1 (freedom concert)
2 (people)

* ATPC youth
1 2 3 4 5
* Retreat '99 
A   B
* MN pictures  A B

* Angie
1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5

friends & family
   from Taiwan

* my senior pictures

Nicki :)
   and ATPC ppl

Ann 1   2
   and  other high 
   school friends

* CBS retreat 2000  
1 2
* CBS boat party 2001 May 5
* CBS talent show 2001 Apr 7

* My darling

* Icons
why do you believe what you belive?
AIM: Kish408
ICQ: 14719053
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