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This homepage is dedicated to my beloved parents

Hi, welcome to my humble homepage.
It's not fancy, but it's MINE!

I try to update this web every month, since my sister is mad at me for posting her ancient pictures.
But she look so cute when she's little.
Anyway, I end up updating my web whenever I have time. ^_^

Okay, a little about myself
I'm currently working for the Agency.
Nope, not the FBI or the CIA. A lot cooler.
(I keep saying that to myself!)
I work for the Department of Health and Family Services, in Madison-Wisconsin.


I graduated from University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, major in Finance and Accounting.
There, I was a Graduate Assistant (GA) for the Economics Department.
One of my main jobs there was to create a website for the Economics Department.
Want to look at it? It's not finish yet, need a lot of update here..there.. everywhere. Well, at least I did the main part of that web.
It's up to the next GA to maintain and to update it.
Still, you are welcome to look at it and tell me what you think of that website.

Click here!

I was also an International Student at UW - Whitewater (DUH!!).
As an international students, we would have a lot of funny experiences since we were in a totally new environment and in a different culture. Sometimes that us homesick.
One of the cool thing the university did to help us feel better and help us to understand other cultures was the Annual International Dinner Party.
There were food from many different countries. Well, the students were the one who prepared the food from their countries.
After that, we would have performances from many different countries. Dances, games, fashion shows, songs etc. Here are some photos from the 1999 International Dinner Party.
Some of the Indonesian students cooked some homemade Indonesian dishes. Then after that we performed a balines dance called Pendet. It's a dance from Bali island that usually performed when welcoming guest.
To be honest, we thought we sucked big time. Fortunatelly those other guesses didn't realize it. They thought we were so great.
Hahaha.... that's the coolest thing.

Alright.. alright.
Check it out!

the International Dinner at UW-Whitewater.

My undergrade is in also in Accounting at Trisakti University.
That is another interesting time in my life. But, I don't want to bore you with the story.

Well, enough for the Introduction.
Enjoy the rest of my homepage.

And if you have time (I bet you do..), please fill up the questions below, so I know somebody outhere is actually check out this site.

See you later
Sampai Jumpa (Indonesian)
Hasta Luego
Au Revoir

Who am I?
My Sister
Photo Galleries
Accounting Sites
Trisakti University
My Grandfather
Air Force
My Favorit Toy
My Church
My Fave Monet
My Aikido
Let's Travel

Email me at my personal email

Please come back and visit me
I'll be working on my homepage

Btw, if you're interested in creating your own website you can check out some valuable tips from


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