Group E-Mentoring in Nursing
What is GEM-Nursing?
The Women's Bureau at the US Department of Labor has an exciting demonstration project that links students, ages 15-21, with mentors in nursing via a website, email and special events.  Group Electronic Mentoring in Nursing (GEM-Nursing) encourage student to pursue nursing through innovative group e-mentoring.

It is estimated that about 13 percent of all wage and salary jobs created between 2000 and 2010 will be in the field of healthcare services.  Along with that growth, it is projected that by 2010 there will be an acute shortage of workers in the nursing field, and a shortages in a number of allied health fields are being reported.  The Women's Bureau is addressing this crisis with GEM-Nursing, which will raise awareness in young people of education and career opportunities and the benefits of working in nursing and allied health fields and provide tools and encouragement to communities to address the workforce shortages in these fields.

Daily Digest
The GEM-HS listserv sends a
Daily Digest to participating students and mentors who exchange ideas on a variety of topics.  It enables students to ask educational and career development questions about nursing and allied health, and receive answers from vast numbers of nursing and allied health professionals who volunteer as GEM-Nursing mentors.  Topics include:
     Education and careers in nursing and allied health
     Benefits of working in nursing and allied health careers
     Challenges and concerns about nursing and allied health careers
     Future opportunities in nursing and allied health careers
     Current issues relating to nursing and allied health fields

A website has been created to provide biographical information about the mentors, highlight careers, provide scholarship and financial aid information, quiz activities to strengthen students' knowledge about nursing and allied health career choices, and an archieve of the
Daily Digests.

Mentor Guidelines
Mentors will be women and men in nursing careers with a commitment to promote nursing as an exciting career option.

Mentors will provide a brief bio and photo to be included on the GEM-Nursing website,  Mentor biographies and pictures may be attached to the application or sent separately.  Electronic versions of the biography and picture are prefered.  The primary purpose of the biography is for the GEM-Nursing students to learn about mentors and their careers.  Mentors may want to consider including information such as:
     1-any experiences they may have had when young that influenced their career
     3-family influences (past or present)
     4-any barriers they may have encourntered and overcome
     5-current career position
     6-the most exciting part of their career

Mentors are encouraged to read the
Daily Digests at least once a week for questions and comments that may match their personal field of expertise.  Mentors should be willing to provide feedback when topics touch upon their area of expertise or when special insight from life experience is applicable.

Mentors should not promote specific companies or initiatives that reflect a potential conflict of interest.  All mentoring should highlight the benefits of a nursing education and career.

Since the registration form must include the mentor's signature, it cannot be returned to the Women's Bureau by e-mail.  Please fax all forms to:
Cindy Green
(706) 561-8330 fax