As Amended October, 2002
The name of this organization shall be the Georgia Association of Nursing Students, herein after refered to as GANS, a constituent of National Student Nurses' Association, Inc.
SECTION 1.  The Purpose of GANS:
A. To assume responsibility for contributing to nursing eduction to provide for the highest quality of health care.
B. To provide programs representative of fundamental and current professional interest and concerns; and
C. To aid in the development of the whole person, including and understanding of the professional role of a nurse, and his/her responsibility for the health care of all people.
SECTION 2.  The function of GANS shall include the following:
A. To have direct input into standards of nursing education and influence the educational process;
B. To influence health care, nursing education, and practice through legislative activities as appropriate,
C. To promote and encourage participation in community affairs and activities towards improved health care and the resolution of related social issues;
D. To represent nursing students to the consumer, to institutions and other organizations;
E. To promote and encourage student's participation in interdisciplinary activities;
F. To promote and encourage recruitment efforts, participation in student activities and educational opportunities regardless of the person's race, color, creed, sex, lifestyle, national origin, age, or economic status;
G. To promote and encourage collaborative relationships with the Georgia League of Nursing, Georgia Nurses Association, as well as other nursing and related organizations.
SECTION 1.  Constituent Associations
A. Any school chapter whose membership is composed of active or associate members and who have submitted the Official Application for NSNA Constituency Status containing the areas of conformity, and upon meeting such other policies as the Board of Directors may determine, shall be recognized as a constituent.  By submitting this application, schools agree to abide by these areas of conformity and to use them as their own bylaws.  Constituency status will be renewable each year by resubmission of the application.  Schools should not submit their own individual bylaws to NSNA.
B. A school chapter shall be composed of all students who are in good standing with NSNA.  This shall apply only on the state level, not to affect the NSNA requirements of constituency status.  There shall be only one chapter at each school campus.
C. A constituent which fails to comply with the bylaws and policies of GANS and NSNA shall have its status revoked by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board, provided that written notice to the proposed revocation has been given at least two (2) months prior to the vote and the constituent association is given and opportunity to be heard.
D. A state association shall be composed of at least two schools chapters in the state.  School chapters shall belong to the state association.
SECTION 2.  Categories of Constituent Membership
Members of the constituent association shall be:
A. Active Members:
1. Undergraduate students enrolled in state approved programs leading to a licensure as a registered nurse.
2. Registered nurses enrolled in undergraduate programs leading to a baccalaureate degree with a major in nursing.
3. Active members shall have all privileges of membership.
B. Associate Members
1. Pre-nursing students, including registered nurses enrolled in college or university programs leading to an associate, diploma, or baccalaureate degree in nursing.
2.  Associate members shall have all the privileges of membership, except the right to hold office as the President, 1st Vice President and 2nd Vice President at state and national levels.
SECTION 3.  Categories of Non-Constituent Membership
A. Sustaining Members:
1. Sustaining membership shall be open in GANS to any individual or organization, upon approval of the Executive Board, interested in furthering the development and growth in GANS.  Sustaining Organization Membership shall be granted for an annual fee of $50.00.  Sustaining Individual Membership shall be granted for an annual fee of $30.00.  Sustaining membership shall receive literature and other information from the GANS secretary.
B. Honorary Members:
1. Honorary membership may be conferred by 2/3 vote of the House of Delegates with recommendation of the Executive Board upon persons who have tendered distinguished service or valuable assistance to GANS.  Honorary members shall have none of the obligations or privileges of membership.
SECTION 4.  Active and Associatie Membership Term:
A. Active and Associate membership may be extended seven (7) months beyond the completion of a student's program in nursing.  Sustaining membership shall be renewable annually.
SECTION 5.  Dues:
A. Annual dues:
1. The total annual dues shall include dues for NSNA, GANS, and school (if any) for any member.  The dues year shall be for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months.
2. Payment of NSNA, GANS, and school dues (if any) is a prerequisite for membership.
3. NSNA and GANS dues shall be payable directly to NSNA.  NSNA shall remit to each state constituent the dues received on behalf of the constituent.  School dues shall not be submitted to NSNA.
4. NSNA dues shall be $30.00 per member per membership year with GANS receiving $10.00 per member per membership year for state dues.  NSNA Renewal dues shall be $40.00 per member with GANS receiving $10.00 per member per year for state dues.  School dues (if any) shall be decided according to each school's bylaws.
B.  The annual dues for sustaining members shall be established by the GANS Executive Board.
C. Any member who fails to pay current dues shall forfeit all privileges of membership.
SECTION 1.  Officers of GANS shall be a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
SECTION 2.  There shall be eight (8) Directors.
A. One Director shall be the GANS EKG Editor, one shall be the Legislative Director, one shall be the Breakthrough to Nursing Director, one shall be the Community Service Director, one shall be the Public Relations Director, and there shall be one (1) Director for each of the following districts; North Georgia, West Georgia, East Georgia, and South Georgia.
B. Each nursing school campus in Georgia will be assigned to a district as follows:
1.  North Georgia: Breanu University, Georgia Perimeter College, Emory University, Floyd College, Kennesaw State University, North Georgia College & State University.
2. West Georgia: Clayton College & State University, Columbus State University, Columbus Technical College, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing, Georgia State University, Gordon College, LaGrange College, State University of West Georgia.
3.  East Georgia: Athens Area Technical Institute, Augusta State University, Georgia College & State University-Macon, Georgia College & State University-Milledgeville, Macon State College, Medical College of Georgia-Athens, Medical College of Georgia-Augusta, Middle Georgia College.
4.  South Georgia: Abraham Baldwin Agriculture College, Albany State College, Armstrong State University, Coastal Georgia Community College, Darton College, Georgia Southern University, Georgia Southwestern State University, South Georgia College, Valdosta State University, Waycross College.
C. New schools will be appointed to a district by the Executive Board of GANS.
D. The entire House of Delegates shall be eligible to vote for each director.  The director must be enrolled in a school within the district he/she represents.
E. Only members who shall be nursing students throughout the full term in office, with a seven (7) month leeway and have privileges of active membership, shall be eligible for the offices of President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, District Directors, Director of Legislation, Director of GANS EKG, Director of Breakthrough to Nursing, and Community Service Director.
F. One member, who ran for, but was not elected to, the Executive Board or the Nominations and Elections Committee of GANS shall be appointed to the board as an alternate board member.  The appointment shall take place within 24 hours of the elections at the annual meeting and be based on a majority vote of the Executive Board.  The alternate member shall fill any GANS position that becomes vacant with the exception of the President or First Vice President, or any Director of any district that they are not from.  The alternate member will not have voting rights unless they fill a position with voting rights.
SECTION 3.  Term of Office:
A. The term of office shall be for one year from the adjournment of the annual meeting at which officers and directors are elected to adjournment of the annual meeting at which their succesors are elected.
B. Any Executive Board Member who voluntarily resigns from their term of office, or becomes ineligible for office according to GANS bylaws, Article III, Section 2, Paragraphs A and B, or in the case of the office being declared vacant according to Article VII, Section 4, Paragraph E before their term expires, or whose office becomes terminated according to Article IV, Section 3, Paragraph C, shall reimburse the GANS tresury all funds paid to or for them, other than travel to and from Executive Board Meetings, within sixty (60) days of notification by GANS treasurer, of the amount owed.  Appeal to exclude from reimbursement documented costs of fulfilling the duties of the office may be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board within that sixty (60) day period.
1. Exclusions to this include:  life endangering illness of self, spouse, parent or child, family relocation, physician order explaining the extent of the illness/injury and how it prohibits the performance of duties, or any other situation approved by a 2/3 Board decision.
2. GANS Executive Board will retain the right to decide reimbursement when special circumstances not otherwise addressed in the bylaws exist.
C. Two unexcused absences will result in termination from office.  The Executive Board will determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused.
D. No member of the Executive Board shall be allowed to have more than three absences, excused or unexcused, to GANS board meetings.
SECTION 4.  Duties of Officers and Directors:  The officers shall perform the duties prescribed by the parliamentary authority, and more specifically shall include:
A.  The President shall:
1. Preside at all meetings of the association of the Executive Board.
2. Appoint special committees with the approval of the Executive Board.
3. Serve as ex-offico members of all committees except nominations and elections.
4. Represent GANS in matters relating to the association and perform all other duties pertaining to the office.
5. Shall attend or designate an Executive Board member to attend the Georgia Council of Nursing Organization meetings and meetings of other organizations deemed appropriate, and report back to the Executive Board and state consituents.
6.  Oversee the annual review and revision of the strategic plan which should be completed by the annual meeting.
7. Provide a monthly written report to Executive Board members at board meetings.
Appoint a member of the Executive Board to serve as a representative to the Community Nursing Coalition for the given year.
B.  The First Vice President shall:
1. Assume the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President.
2. Accede to the office of President in the case of a vacancy in the office.
3. Be responsible for the program at meetings of the association.
4. Provide a monthly written report to Executive Board members at board meetings.
5.  Perform other duties as assigned by the President.
C.  The Second Vice President shall:
1. Assume the duties of the First Vice President in the absence or disability of the First Vice President.
2. Accede to the office of the First Vice President in case of a vacancy in the office.
3. Be responsible for review and recommendation for change in the bylaws and policies.
4. Be familiar with parlimentary procedure.  Assure that parlimentary procedure is followed at all Board Meetings and at the state convention.
5. Submit resolutions from the state Executive Board to the House of Delegates at the annual state convention.  Work in conjunction with the Director of Legislation in submitting Georgia-drafted resolutions to to the House of Delegates at the NSNA Annual Convention.
6. Be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of GANS archieves.
7. Provide a monthly written report to Executive Board members at board meetings.
8. Perform other duties assigned by the President.
1. Prepare the minutes of all business meetings of the association and Executive Board.
2. Inform GANS of all current programs and activities and provide up-to-date names and addresses of local and state officers.
3. Prepare monthly calendar and minutes.
4. Mail out monthly minutes, calendar, and board reports to each board member and consultant within ten (10) days prior to the next meeting.
5. Provide a monthly written report to Executive Board members at board meetings.
6. Perform other duties as assigned by the President.
D.  The Secretary shall:
1.  Act as custodian of the organization's funds and see that a detailed annual financial report (i.e. previous year and year-to-date) be prepared and presented in writing to all constituent association at the state convention.
2. Be bonded and have treasurer's books audited at the end of the fiscal year, when deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
3. Serve as chairperson of the finance committee when such a committee is established by the Executive Board.
4. Furnish to the chairman of the tellers, not less than two (2) hours before the opening of the polls, a list of delegates entitled to vote at the annual meeting.
5. Monitor funds and inform the Executive Board of allocated funds and expenditures related to the budget at monthly board meetings.
6.  Provide a monthly written report to Executive Board members at board meetings.
7.  Perform other duties as assigned by the President.
8. Shall serve as Chair for the Finance Committe as selected by the Executive Board and submit to the House of Delegates at the annual meeting.
E.  The Treasurer  shall:
F.  The Directors of District shall:
1. Serve as a communication link between their district and the Executive Board.
2. Act as resource person for schools in their district.
3. Contact each school in their district at least once per month during the school year by telephone or in person.
4. Have their duties defined by the Executive Board according to needs and priorities.
5.  Provide a monthly written report to the Executive Board members at board meetings.
Perform other duties assigned by the President.
1. Solicit and communicate with potential exhibitors and advertisers for the purpose of convention and EKG/website financing.
2. Handle invoicing of all advertising and exhibiting of GANS functions.
3. Organizing exhibit hall during GANS state convention.
4.  Coordinate GANS press releases to nursing publications in Georgia.
5.  Shall coordinate the annual IMAGE OF NURSING AWARD.
6. Provide a monthly written report at board meetings.
Perform other duties assigned by the President.
G.  The Director of Public Relations shall:
1. Be responsible for the publication of GANS EKG.
2. Be responsible for the publication of the annual GANS convention booklet.
3. Be responsible for submitting article biannually to NSNA for publication for the "Happenings" column.
4.  Shall coordinate the annual CHAPTER NEWSLETTER AWARD.
5. Provide a monthly written report to Executive Board members at board meetings.
6. Update and maintain GANS website,, on a monthly basis.
Perform other duties assigned by the President.
H.  The Director of GANS EKG shall:
1. Stay informed concerning legislation in Georgia affecting nurses and nursing students.
2. Keep the Executive Board and GANS constituents informed concerning nursing legislation in the state and nation.
3. Submit resolutions from the state Executive Board to the House of Delegates at the annual convention.  Work in conjunction with the Second Vice President in writing the resolutions.  Have approved resolutions selected during the GANS Annual State Convention to be submitted at the NSNA Annual Convention.
4. Write a legislative update for each issue of the EKG.
5. Shall coordinate the annual POLITICAL INVOLVEMENT AWARD.
Provide a monthly written report to the Executive Board members at board meetings.
. Perform other duties assigned by the President.
I.  The Director of Legislation shall:
1. Submit BTN Project to District Directors to disperse to school chapters by the third month in office and keep the Executive Board informed of the goals and progress of the project.
2. Maintain communication with the local school BTN directors.
3.  Work to develop nursing school recruitment materials and guidelines for recruiters appropriate to the state's recruitment needs.
4. Assist local chapters in developing recruitment materials and guidelines for recruitment in the area. 
5. Write a BTN update article for each issue for the EKG.
6. Identify and compile a listing of state and national financial aid sources for nursing students.
7. Shall coordinate the annual CHAPTER BTN AWARD.
8. Responsible for GANS membership and recruitment and retention.
9. Provide a monthly report to Executive Board members at board meetings.
10. Perform other duties as assigned by the President.
I.  The Breakthrough to Nursing Director  shall:
1.  Submit Community service projects to the District Directors to disperse to school chapters by the third month in office and keep the Executive Board informed of the goals and progrss of the projects.
2. Work to develop or participate in statewide, national, or inter-national community service projects.
3. Assist local chapters in developing or participating in statewide, national, or international community serve projects.
4.  Shall coordinate the annual CHAPTER COMMUNITY PROJECT AWARD.
5. Provide a monthly report to the Executive Board at each Board meeting.
6. Perform other duties assigned by the President.
M.  The Community Service Director  shall:
SECTION 5.  Vacancies:
A.  Vacancy on the Executive Board or NEC shall be filled by the Alternate Board Member, unless the Alternate Board member will be unable to fill the vacancy, due to bylaw constraints.

1.  I the vacancy is unable to be filled by the Alternate Board Member, then a letter of notification shall be sent out to all non-elected candidates from the previous State Convention and all Chapter Presidents.
2.  If a candidate is found to fill the vacancy, then a 2/3 vote by the Executive Board must be obtained to approve the prospective candidate.
a.  All materials of office are to be turned over to the new officer by the second Executive Board meeting following election to office.
SECTION 1.  Nomination and Elections Committee:
A. One (1) member from each district shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting.  In the event that no one is elected from a district, the Executive Board shall appoint the remaining positions.
B. Candidates shall be chosen from members who shall be nursing students throughout the full term in office with a seven-month leeway.
C.  A plurality vote shall elect, and the newly elected NEC shall appoint a chairperson from within the newly elected group.
D. No member shall serve two (2) consecutive terms on the committee, and no two (2) members shall belong to the same district.
E. If more than one (1) member from the same district receives sufficient votes to be elected, the one receiving the most votes shall be elected.
F. The NEC Chairperson shall be required to attend GANS Executive Board meetings as specified by the current GANS Executive Board.
G. NEC members, excluding the NEC Chair, shall not have GANS Executive Board voting privileges.
H.  The NEC members shall have expenses reimbursed according to GANS Executive Board policy.
SECTION 2. Duties of the NEC Chair:
A. Receive nominations for GANS officers.
B. Assist with the mandatory candidate review metings as stated in "Candidate and Campaign Regulations".
C. Accept the board meeting monthly minutes.
D.  Attend monthly board meetings from June to October.
E. One unexcused absence during the June to October months will result in termination from office.  The Executive Board will determine whether or not the absence is excused or unexcused.  No NEC member, including the NEC Chair, shall be allowed more than two absences, excused or unexcused, from the GANS Board meetings from June to October.
SECTION 3.  Report
A. The NEC shall endeavor to submit one (1) or more names for each office to be filled.
B.  The report of the committee shall be printed in the convention handbook and read on the first day of the convention.  Future nominations may be made from the floor at this time.  Candidates nominated from the floor shall immediately present their credentials and written consent to serve.
C. No one shall be nominated without consent of the nominee and verification of qualifications by the NEC.
SECTION 4.  Support for National Convention:
No GANS Executive Board member shall, in their individual or official capacity, write any letter expressing backing and/or support for any NSNA national candidate unless so directed by the GANS Executive Board.
SECTION 5.  Elections
The elections will be determined by a plurality vote.  In the event of a tie, each member of COSP (Council of School Presidents), in attendance at the annual meeting, shall re-cast a ballot vote.  If still necessary, the tie vote shall then be determined by casting a lot by the entirety of delegates present.
SECTION 1.  Annual and Mid-Year Meeting:
A.  The annual meeting of the association shall be held at such time and place as shall be determined by the Executive Board.  The annual meeting shall be for the purpose of holding elections, receiving reports, and conducting such other business as may properly come before the House of Delegates sent to the President of each constituent and other members of the voting body.
B. The mid-year meeting of the association shall be held at such time and place as shall be determined by the Executive Board.  The mid-year meeting shall be for the purpose of offering our members educational seminars, information about NSNA and GANS, accessibility to exhibitors, as well as promote cohesiveness throughout the state's consitiuents.
C. The GANS State Convention shall be scheduled for a fall convention date.
SECTION 2.  Governing and Voting Body:
A. The House of Delegates shall be the governing and voting body of the association and shall be composed of the delegates from the constituent associations and members of the Executive Board.  The business of the annual meeting shall be conducted by the House of Delegates.
SECTION 3.  Delegate Representation:
A. The voting body at the annual meeting of this association shall consist of the elected officers, elected directors, and accredited delegates.
B. Recognized Constituents shall be composed of at least ten (10) members from a school, or the total school enrollment if less than ten (10).  This requirement of ten (10) or more members must be met on a date set by the GANS Executive Board prior to the Annual House of Delegates.  there shall be only one chapter from each school campus.
C. Each school chapter that is a recognized constituency as determined by these bylaws shall be entitled to one voting delegate and alternate, and in additiona, shall be entitled to one voting delegate and alternate for every ten (10) members.  Delegates shall be computed on the basis of the number of members in each constituency as evidenced by the annual dues received by GANS on a date set by the GANs Executive Board prior to the Annual House of Delegates
SECTION 4.  Motions and Voting:
A. The privilege of making motions and voting shall be limited to the voting body.  A voting member shall have but one vote in any election or on any question.
B.  No proxy voting is allowed.
SECTION 5.  Open Meetings:
All meetings of the association shall be open unless voted otherwise by the House of Delegates.  Student members, other than voting delegates, may attend the annual meeting, but shall not be seated with the delegate body, and may speak according to the convention rules.
A. The voting body at other meetings, except the Executive Board meeting, shall consist of the elected state officers, directors, and all GANS
        members present.
SECTION 6.  Quorum
A quorum at meetings of GANS shall consist of at least one (1) representative from each of 1/3 of the constituent associations and at least four (4) members of the Executive Board, including the President or First Vice President.
SECTION 7.  Special Meetings:
A. A special meeting may be called by the Executive Board and shall be called by the President upon written request of 1/3 or more of the constituent associations.  Notice of time, place, and purpose of the meeting shall be sent to all constituent associations not less than five (5) days prior to the meeting.
B. The voting body shall be the same, insofar as possible, as that in the annual meeting.  Other members may attend and shall have only the privileges to speak to each issue.
C.  The quorum shall be 1/3 of the constituent associations and at least four (4) members of the Executive Board, including the President and First Vice President.
SECTION 1.  Members:
The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers and the directors.  The consultants shall serve as ex-offico members without vote.

SECTION 2Powers:
All of the powers of the association are vested in and shall be exercised by the Executive Board during the interim between meetings of the association, except that the Board shall not nullify or modify any action taken by the House of Delegates in the annual meeting and subject to the provisions of these bylaws.

SECTION 3. Responsibility:
The executive Board shall not be responsible for any contract, claim, or obligation of any kind incurred or for any position taken by any officer or member of a constituent unless the same was authorized in writing by the Executive Board.

A.  Review and approve the term of official relationships established with other organizations singly or in coalition.
B.  Approve any commitment in form of action, statement of policy or position, or financial obligations involved in GANS relationships with other organizations.
C.  Approve the budget to be submitted to the House of Delegates, authorize all monetary disbursements, and provide for the annual audit of accounts at the close of the fiscal year when deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
D.  Have the power to fill vacancies for the unexpired term unless otherwise specified in these bylaws.
E.  Have the power by 2/3 vote to declare an office vacant.
F.  In case of an emergency, votes may be taken by current communication practices.  The result of such an action shall control the actions of the association, the Executive Board, and the committees.  The result of such a vote shall be duly verified by the Executive Board and recorded in the minutes of the next meeting.
G.  Perform all other duties as may be specified in these bylaws.
SECTION 5. Delegate to NSNA Convention:

SECTION 6. Meetings:
A.  Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held immediately before and after the annual meeting, and such times as deemed necessary by a majority of the Board.  The President shall determine the date and place of meetings.
B.  The quorum shall be a majority of the voting members of the Board, including the President or First Vice President.
C.  The voting body at Executive Board meetings shall consist of elected Officers of the state and the Directors.  All GANS members may speak to any issue, but may not vote.
Number and Term:
There shall be four (4) consultants.  One consultant shall be appointed by each of the Board of Directors of the Georgia Nurses' Association and the Georgia League of Nursing in consultation with the GANS Executive Board.  The consultant shall be appointed to serve for a two (2) year term, or until they-re respective successors are appointed.  The third consultant shall be a retiring board member of the Executive Board.  This person shall be eleted by the GANS Executive Board to serve for one year or the remaining term of the existing board.  The fourth consultant shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board.  This person shall be active in the same geographical area as the President, so to be readily available for consultation.  This consultant shall have a one (1) year term of office to conform to the term of the President.

SECTION 2. The consultants shall:
A.  Be responsible for providing for interchange of information between the Boards of Directors of GNA, GLN, and GANS.
B. Serve as a resource persons consulting with the Executive Board members and committees.
C. Attend meeting of GANS and the GANS Executive Board.
SECTION 3.  Vacancies:
In the event that a vacancy occurs in a consultant position between elections, the board may invite a temporary consultant to serve until an official appointment can be made.
The Executive Board, at its discretion, shall establish committees deemed necessary to carry on the work of the association and determine the functions, terms, and membership of such committees.  A quorum for committee meetings shall be a majority of the members present.
The EKG shall be the official publication of GANS and shall be distributed to members as one of the benefits of membership.
The fiscal year of the association shall be from one annual meeting to the next annual meeting.
A. The Executive Board shall submit to the House of Delegates at the annual meeting, a proposed itemized budget for the coming fiscal year.
B.  The Executive Board shall organize a Finance Committee of three, including the Treasurer, who shall be responsible for developing the budget and submitting the accounts for review.

All meetings of this association shall be conducted according to parliamentary laws as set forth in Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised where the rules apply and are not in conflict with these bylaws.

A parliamentarian, other than an Executive Board member, will be present at all House of Delegates proceedings.
Proposed amendments:
Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing carrying proponent's signature, to the Executive Board for review at least ten (10) weeks prior to the annual meeting.  Proposed amendments may be submitted only by the Executive Board, GANS bylaws committee, or a constituent association.

SECTION 2.  Voting
These bylaws may be amended at the annual meeting by a 2/3 vote, provided notice shall have been given at an earlier meeting of the same session.  If adopted, an amendment shall go into effect immediately unless otherwise noted in the amendment.

SECTION 3. Bylaws of NSNA:
Amendments to the bylaws of NSNA, adopted at the annual meeting, which directly relates to the business of GANS in the areas of conformity shall automatically and immediately affect the necessary amendments to the bylaws of GANS and shall be incorporated into these bylaws.
In the event that GANS is dissolved, all monies remaining in the treasury, after all debts and liabilities are satisfied, will be donated to a non-profit organization as selected by the GANS Executive Board and acceptable under IRS Code 401.03 and any amendments attached thereto.

SECTION 4.  Management by the Executive Board shall include the following duties:
A. Supply ballots for the annual election of officers.
B. Conduct mandatory candidate review meetings as stated in "Candidate and Campaign Regulations".
C. Have voting privileges during the monthly GANS Board Meetings with suspended voting privileges during the Annual State Convention.
D. Attend monthly GANS Executive board meetings as specified by the current GANS Executive Board with absences dictated according to Article IV, Section 3, C-D.
SECTION 2. Duties of the NEC:
A.  The GANS Executive Delegate to the annual NSNA convention shall be the GANS President or a delegate representative and an alternate elected by the Executive Board from among the Executive Board.

B.  School Constituents
1.  If a constituent school is unable to fill their delegation, said school should provide written authorization to the GANS Executive Board requesting them to appoint one member of the GANS Board to act as a state-appointed delegate for their school chapter.
A.  School chapter shall approve of the appointment.
B.  The GANS Executive Board shall verify that any state-appointed delegate is a member in good standing of the NSNA.
C.  A school chapter must have atleast one selected and/or elected delegate present at the NSNA Convention in order to have a state-apoointed delegate seated in the House of Delegates.
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