Name: Scott
M. Getz
Birthday: March 23rd, 1980
Location: Central NY, USA
Occupation: Network/Computer Support Specialist
Graduated in May 2001! Have a BS. It is in Bio.
Favorite Comic Heroes:
- Superman/Clark Kent
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner)
- Guy Gardener (Normal and his Warrior form)
- Snake Eyes (from G.I.Joe)
Favorite TV Shows
- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
- CSI: Miami
- Blue Collar TV
- Survivor
- Amazing Race
- The Apprentice
Favorite Cartoons (Current and Old)
- Transformers (All Incarnations)
- G.I.Joe
- Justice League Unlimited
Words of Wisdom from the book of Getz:
- Set your Goals low, achieve them, and celebrate with a beer.
Set your Goals high, fail to achieve them, and have a beer to ease the pain.
Set no Goals, and still have a beer for the heck of it.
Any way you look at it, it is clear that the ends outweigh the means!
- Ever wonder what the terrain must have been like back in
the old days that caused people to walk both ways up a hill to and from
- Are we sure that it is Everything tastes like chicken? Who
really knows if the chicken was the first animal with that flavor
identified? Could it be that chicken tastes like frog?
- If you are what you eat, do frogs eat chickens? Or do
chickens eat frogs? Or is there some other animal out there where the flavor
- Why ask why? Why not? Why, does it
bother you if I ask why? Why doesn't it bother you that I am asking why?
- My argument against a light beer, I like my beers fresh,
not pre-processed. (Do not think to hard on this one!)
- When all else fails... Have a beer, at least something is
going right for once.
- Why is that people sign their name to a piece of paper
without looking at what they just signed? I mean are you sure that you
did not just give my your Wife, House, Money, Car, and all that other cool
stuff? You sure about that, did you check the fine print?
- Hit the Q button.
- If you make a half-@$$ed attempt at a half-@$$ed Job, are
you a total @$$?
- When in Rome, lock your doors and close your windows.
interesting pics of myself:
Me, my puppy Sandy and my former 1990 Ford Taurus! FORD RULES!
Me at My OLD Personal Workstation in my old house, apparently
it was during Christmas?
Perhaps someday I will
get some new pics, but as to now, this is all you get!
Page last edited
06/21/2005Copyright © 2005- Getz, All Rights Reserved
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