Welcome to my new home on the web!

Nathan Scott Chene

I am back in the U.S. again after a year of study abroad in Japan. It was an exciting time and I made a lot of great friends, but I am also happy to be back home and starting college.

Although I live in the Pacific Northwest now, I grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada, so I am really more of a "desert rat" and all of the rain here makes me feel like I'm going to rust.

I am half-Hawai'ian and half French-Italian. My father met my mother while he was stationed with the Air Force in Honolulu. He was transferred to Nellis Air Force Base (Las Vegas) when I was three.

I spent my senior year of high school in Hakone, Japan. I speak English, Spanish, Japanese and a little French.


Age: 19 - Birthday: March 17, 1980

Hair: Brown - Eyes: Brown

Height: 5'-7" (170 cm) - Weight: 140 (63 kg)

My Life:

I am in my first year of college, an undeclared freshman, but my interests are in theater arts. I acted a lot in high school and in community productions as a teenager. I also like writing, computers and travel. My favorite sports are swimming and tennis (I lettered in both in high school), also camping and hiking, and billards (pool).

Photo Page -- Updated: 01/06/00

E.mail me: ns_chene@yahoo.com

Webpage Created: 07/29/99 -- Last Updated: 01/06/00