Welcome to my home.

The Aztec/SDSU Home page.

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Thought Of The Day...
If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn?
2, Sept, 2000

apartment info
Gang's all here
Play Time!!
Movie Review

You are the

person to visit my home.

School is over!
The bears are me after my finals!  Of course I am cuter than the bears.

School Stinks!  But here is the 4-1-1 on my education so far....

Recipe Page....Good staving college student food.

A Kick-Butt surf shop in Bodega, Calif.

You can read all about my new home!!  I have moved to another apartment and...well, just go to the page...

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!  The latest movie reviews written by ME!

E-mail Nan

Captains Log Star Date 7.22.00
What a dud.  The polo class I am taking is total waste of time.  In the beginning it was fun and there were a lot of people there.  But for the last three weeks there has been (at most) ten (10) of us.  And we can not do that much with only 10 of us.
Work is the same.  Still working about 8 hours a day.  Which is nice.  I am at work right now actually.  The computer here is so much faster than mine at home.  So I like using this one. And I am getting paid to play on MY web page.  And because they have seen that i am semi-computer literate I am now the official typist and web page person.  I ge to make a web page for the Faculty Staff Club.  It is the 'cafeteria' for the professors and staff.  Which means I will get to meet a lot of people.  And that is good because it s not what you know, it is WHO you know.
I am planning a trip to Las Vegas someitme before school starts (August 28).  We (that would be Carlos and I) are plannig on a couple of days around the 21st of August. 
School next semester is going to be tough.  I am taking 4 solid classes;
Social work practices
Family Social Work
American Sign Language
But i might be switching Sign Language for Spanish.  I think that I would get more use out of Spanish than I would out of Sign Language.
Well, that is all.  I will update this in another month or so.

E-mail Laura
That is ME!!

E-mail Amie

E-mail Jeffrey

This is Hoover. 
He is my friend