What musiician's page would be complete without one of these? This is my collection of links and sound files.
The Trumpet Herald - This is an awesome site for trumpet players. It has different forums where you can sell/buy instruments and equipment and put your name out for gigs.
Trumpet Player Online - This is Mark VanCleave's site where he has a lot of information on a trumpet player's embochure. You can also contact him with questions on performance and the like. He actually responds.
Geeks International - TGI is a very nice site with a forum to contact
other trumpet players.
The Shilke Loyalist - Has a great deal of information on Shilke as well as trumpet playing.
Sound Files
Get It On - Bill Chase's song Get It On, from his album titled "Chase."
Manteca - Dizzy's Manteca. It's actually a sample, but it's still pretty cool.
Date Last Updated: 11 January 2000
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