Brandon's Homepage

You are the visitor.

Welcome to my little spot on the 'web.

    I'd like to welcome everyone into the new century.  I hope no one had any trouble with the Y2K bug.

    Anyway...  School's out and I intend to update this page a little more frequently.  Check out my

What's New page every once and a while for updates.

About Me

Well, my name's Brandon and I attend Sam Houston State University, which is in Hutsville,
Texas, as a sophomore.  I am currently majoring in music education.  I play the trumpet and was a four-year member of the Oak Ridge High School War Eagle Band.


Go to my brother's page.  (Hope you like The Simpsons and/or Family Guy!)
My music page.  (WAVs, as well as links to music sites.)
The DormStore - For college students looking for furniture.

Last Updated:  15 May 2000

E-Mail me here

This Official Trumpet Webring site is owned by
Brandon Elliott

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