Another SBCHS75 Scrapbook, the SBCHS75 PHOTO CLUB is managed by Jocel Razal.

Everyone is encouraged to write a note to their batchmates and friends. Click on "Sign Our Guestbook" below for your comments to our "family". SAN BEDA GO, GO, GO !!!
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This website was started with the hope of bringing together once again a great bunch of people molded in the Benedictine tradition of brotherly camaraderie. Initially aimed at preparing for the Silver Jubilee Reunion in the Year 2000, this site has now evolved as an information source for activities of HS'75 batchmates and friends, including programs to help the needy. E-mail Sonny Vergel de Dios to post your news items and updates, including your pictures and e-mail addresses. Comments are welcome. Also, if you maintain a website, give us the address so we could link to each other.
hits since 1/21/99
1999 SBC-HS75 Website. All rights reserved Created: 1/21/99