Friends from Bowdoin

Having now spent a year outside of the 'Bowdoin Bubble,' I can put things into perspective...

Mike Balulescu lived in Maine Hall and Helmreich with me. He's into Rugby and the Christian Fellowship. Mike is a stand-up guy, who I should keep in touch with but don't.

Allison Benton lived upstairs from me in Helmreich. She helped make our volunteer program at the homeless shelter go.

Claire Blackis in the Christian Fellowship. We were also both leaders of Bowdoin's chapter of Habitat for Humanity. Claire is kind of quiet at first, but she is a strong leader. The fellowship is better for having had her in it.

Jeremy Braff was one of my housemates in 30 College Street, and in Helmreich. Jeremy is into baseball, computers, math, and plays the French Horn. Jeremy is one of the few people who I am still in touch with. We mostly talk about baseball, but that's incredibly important.

Keegan Callanan was in the Christian Fellowship.He's a Government Major, but we like him anyway. He now teaches in my hometown, Washington, D.C.

Bjorn Carey was another housemate at 30, and at Helmreich. There are lots of Bjorn stories. He broke down Mike and Brendan's door sophomore year to get pizza. He caught a squirrel once. He tried, and failed, to drink a gallon of milk in one hour.

Jeannie Changgraduated in 2001. I know her through the Christian Fellowship. She's now married and living in San Diego. She was my first worship leader.

Lydia Hale worked in the Music Library, and was a leader of the Bowdoin Christian Fellowship. She's married, which is surprising. She's into baseball, which might explain why she's married.

Brendan Kelly was another housemate at 30, and at Helmreich, and was my roommate junior year. Brendan and I led the BCF worship team together (he did most of the leading). No one has heard from Brendan in forever, but I've been meaning to call him.

Rachel Lanewas in the Fellowship. She and Brendan dated for several years, but I don't know if they still are.

Colin LeCroywas in the Christian Fellowship. He organized our mission trip to Alabama last Spring Break. He's a big goof, but a great guy.

Lydia Lobozzois a very sweet girl.

Ed MacKenziewas yet another housemate at 30. He's a government junkie, but had the good sense to major in history. Ed is also a little league umpire.

Michelle Marron was on my pre-orientation trip, and we had lunch together regularly the last several years of school. She's a sweetheart, and is currently living in New York City.

Steve Martin was the janitor for my freshman dorm. He knows my name and talks to me about stuff.

Trina McCarthy is in the Christian Fellowship. One of her favorite things to do was go volunteer on an Indian Reservation.

Becca Melvoin, was my buddy from the social house freshman year. She's moving to California, and teaches history.

Royce Mussmanwas in the Fellowship. He's moving to California with Eric, and needs a job.

Ainsley Newmanis probably the most amazing person I've ever met; I used to have a crush on her, but finally realized that it was selfish of me to want her for myself (that she started dating her husband-to-be helped convince it wasn't going to work out to). Ainsley finally graduated in 2002, and got married in 2003

Alison Robbins is a music major, and worked in the Music Library (she graduated in 2001). She is one of the more entertaining people I've known at Bowdoin. She's studying music at UVA now.

Abby Robarts*was in BCF. She's been a very good friend of mine through some tough times. And we dated for ten months. But we're still friends sort of. She is very much a sweetheart.

Matt Robertswas still another housemate at 30, and at Helmreich.. He majored in German and Economics, and studied in Berlin last fall. Matt's also a talented actor. He's getting ready to come home from a another year in Germany.

Eric Schnitgergraduated a year early, in 2004. He's moving back to California to be a youth minister.

Sharon Shinwas in BCF. She's quiet, but really wise. She's in California now, trying to decide what to do with her life.

Matt Stantonis my ex-roommate. He graduated in 2002. Since graduation, he has gotten married, quit one job, started another, had a baby girl, and decided to go back to grad school. Matt is sort of like a mentor and best friend for me. We haven't seen each other since he graduated, but we still keep in touch, and still talk about real stuff.

Owen Strahanwas in the Christian Fellowship. Whether or not you agree with Owen (I usually don't), you have to admire his courage, and you know that his heart is in the right place.

Shaina Stumpgraduated two years ago, and is an alumni of the Fellowship.

Will Truesdellis the other adult leader of the Fellowship. Will is very caring and wise. He's my biggest role model as I prepare to enter the ministry.

Pam Woograduated two years ago. During her tenure here, she was one of the most energetic members of the Fellowship.

Read about my Friends from high school
