March 26th, 2003

It's been a while, but enough of the small chat. We are in war, and I dont know if you all were aware of my last update, but I was talkin about confrontations and what-not, (if you dont know what the fuck i'm talkin about just scroll down a lil' bit and read for yourself) and now we are in's like Sasstrodamus!! My prediction for the outcome of this bullshit is we, the US of fuckin A, will continue to dominate in any and everything we do, just as we are doing now in the war. Maybe these Bins and Sadams dont really know what the fuck they are doing, and maybe, just maybe, they have both been licking crazy colored toads and watchin each others pupils dialate. Who wants to fuck w/ Americans anyways??? The answer is, people who want to be Americans that cant b/c their stuck in some shit ass country w/ bad leaders that blow anus hairs, so they get mad, want war, get war, and die...dumb fucks. Enough.
Soooooo, other than that, everythings been if you asked how I was doin, I would prob say, "I cant complain"....but I can, but i wont. I did find and interesting peice of random info online earlier that I would like to share w/ you though....check this out:
The Great Gig in the Sky (Wright) 4:44

"And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying? There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime."

"If you can hear this whispering you are dying."

"I never said I was frightened of dying."

OK, for all of you musicaly inclined donks, that is a the words to a Pink Floyd song called "The Great Gig in the Sky", know famously on the album "Dark Side of the Moon". The strange thing is the underlined part, I haven't listen to the song recently so i'm not positive that I have heard those lrycs in that song, and i'm obviously not eager to hear them, but it would be a freaky ass thing to listen to...especially if your like trippin on shrooms, or high, or drunk, or all in one fantastic voyage....well, till next time, i'm off to tame the lions.

Dec. 3rd, 2002

So i decided to continue this web site, i mean after all, what good is it just sittin there....although its not like anyone comes here. Gimme a good few months and i'll rule the world just as i did before, my words are like bread and water to a god. I have no shame in my cockiness either, it's my way or no way, if you dont like, you leave now....
So about me now, the same ol' shit is goin on....i work, get paid, spend money, and smoke weed...that the just of things. I've been gettin along pretty well for a dumb mother fucker, i come into little bumps in the road of live, but most of the time try to avoid big confrontations....they scare me. I mean, why would you wanna fight in a world of so many more freedoms, you can relax legally while talkin on your cell phone and go have a beer when your can type your thoughts on a computer while these pee-ons read could smoke a big phat spliff...ok, maybe that last one wouldnt be too legal, but if the whole world smoked weed, it would be a much better place to be and exist...but this is not weed chat time, so i'll just end that convo b/c i could go on all day bout how weed should be legal and everyone should do it, even kids...and babies, and dogs n' shit....
I'm here too...