I'm Back!
Guess who's back...back again...Ken is back...tell some men...
and women...oh the women...
Ok, so dig this. Sassafrass was tellin me about how he put some shit or another up here on his little corner of the web, so I figure it can't hurt to get my ideas out there. But the thing is, I don't have any ideas anymore. I've become some automaton. I go to work, go to sleep. I watch movies, I play video games. I drink beer, I go to sleep. And repeat ad nauseum. I don't have time to think anymore. But here's what's happened since the last time I gave you the low-down on my life:
I fucked my life up, because I couldn't handle the pressure of being normal, then I made a valiant effort to put myself back on the right road, and as soon as things were looking good, I go and make a few bad decisions in quick succession, sending my life into another spiral. That brings us to today. The spiral is straightening out, but I'm not in the clear yet. Any questions? Didn't think so.
Be back later.
Dont forget bout Sass