

Welcome to my home page!


Human Anatomy Online

The Digital Anatomist

Skull : Contains pictures and Quick Time movies of the different bones.**

Brain Anatomy

Biological Sciences

Biomednet : Good reference website. Requires free registration. Provides access to Medline.***

Cell Biology : Very interesting website. Lots of nice pictures as well. A must-see!****

Cells Alive : Lots of nice pictures. Some are animated and there are movies available.****

Biology 309



Visible Embryo


An Introduction to Blood Groups : Very good introduction.***

Blood Cells : For some more information on blood cells and diseases linked to them.****


Introduction to Microbiology : Very good introduction to microbiology with nice pictures.****

Bacteriology 330 Home Page


Garry Laboratory Home Page

Histology Images

Ed Uthman's home page

Medicine in Society

Nine Months | American Health Network | Femiweb | | | Parent Soup | Parent Zone | Online Birth Centre |


12 lead ECG library homepage

GWC Class Connections


BMJ : Very nice website with abstracts and full text articles available.*****

The Lancet : Interesting journal but requires free registration. Some articles available to subscribers only.****

NEJM : Some articles avaialble to subscribers only.***

Scientific American : Deals with all aspects of science, including medicine.***

Student BMJ : Very interesting website especially for medical students. Articles are very helpful in learning.*****

Other links

Centre for Disease Control | Healthy World | Interactive Patient | InteliHealth | Lumen(Loyola University) | American Medical Association | Medicine Online | National Institute of Health | Visible Human Project | Onco Link | Virtual Hospital | Centre Universitaire Hospitalier de Rouen | Mount Sinai Hospital | Doctor's Guide to the Internet | Medicine on the web(University of Newcastle) |

Link sites | MedMark | Achoo | Health on the net | Medical Matrix(The Medical List) | MedWeb | Medscape | MedExplorer |


Ratings: The more stars (*) the better!

About this webpage

I am a medical student and I have been using the internet a lot for my studies. The main purpose of this webpage is to provide links to some of the sites of interest related to medicine. It is intended to help medical students and might be of some interest to doctors and the general public.

If you have any comments and/or suggestions, you can contact me at the following email address:

January 30, 2001