Welcome to my Guestbook!

Billy Hone - 04/22/99 01:21:48


Super Nova - 04/16/99 06:35:35
My URL:http://freewww.org/members/jscript/mirror.html
My Email:novatech@deskmail.com

heheh nice page but mine better hehhe

Alice Ma - 02/14/99 01:46:51
My URL:/Tokyo/Bridge/6605/
My Email:chibi_apple@hotmail.com
Age: 19
Where are you from?: canada(manitoba)
Any suggestions?: nope, pretty good so far!

ooh, i'm so honored to sign ur guestbook....hey there carmen! pretty good page you got here! keep up the good work and bring on those pics man! Angels....ooh, i love angels...hehe.. thanx so much for being there for me..you're a great friend! see ya :)

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