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RANTS from Clay McCuistion |
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October 12, 2002 The page is once again being updated. It's been dormant for awhile, as I've finished college and gone out into the job market. But my interest and enthusiasm for Brian and the Boys haven't waned. I doubt these rants will be daily, and I'm not sure exactly how much new content will be added, but I want this site to be reasonably up-to-date. And that's what's going to happen. So hang on. Summer, 2000 Just a note to those brave souls who've graced this website with your browsers...I'm probably not going to be doing much updating this summer. As a result, I've removed the news box from the index page. Up to date information can be found either at John Barone's Imagination site or the new BrianWilson.com. I'll probably be popping in from time to time, but real work on the page will resume in August. See you then! ~Clay McCuistion Editor, "Brian Wilson: a solo artist" webpage March 29, 2000 It's been awhile since I sat down to toss out a rant, I realize. It's been a busy couple of months. But news in the world of Brian Wilson looks about as good as one can hope for. A new live album, a new tour, and possible studio recording are all coming our way. I don't see anything but positive results from all of this activity. One hopes for the new studio record, of course, but I can wait. Capitol finally put out the Endless Harmony documentary on video and DVD, and the promised reissues are still on track...I guess. I heard rumors they've been pushed back to late May or June. Still, the project continues. Possibly with Mark Linnett working on remastering, since he supervised revisions to the new version of the Endless Harmony CD. (Don't worry--it's a long story and I don't quite understand it either.) I've been listening to a lot of non-BB/BW music lately. But it only serves to underscore my appreciation for the recordings of the boys. Plus, additional Wilson/Paley sessions have leaked out and are now circulating in bootleg form and on the web. Some fun tunes, some clunkers, and the odd near-classic thrown in . A word of thanks to all the people who have dropped by the site in the last couple of months. I realize a site like this demands attention and concentration--things that are in rather short supply to a college student like yours truly! But I will do my best to keep updating and working on this site. My attention is now turning to updating the complete songs section--which is no longer complete and features a bunch of non-working links. Hopefully I'll get that fixed within the next week or so. January 25, 2000 I'm taking a class on web design now. So if the page seems to be changing in bizarre ways, that's probably the reason why. I promise not to get too conceptual, although in the process of redesigning some pages I accidentally deleted three of my song reviews. Oh well. Live goes on, I suppose. I'd like to bellyache for a second here about the Capitol reissues. It's been difficult watching Brad Elliott attempt to defend actions for which he has no responsibility. He's on the Pet Sounds mailing list almost daily, touting the upcoming reissues, which is certainly a service to fans. I'm somewhat pleased the reissue program is continuing, don't get me wrong. I'll buy the twofers without bonus tracks. But poor Mr. Elliott, because he's writing liner notes and because he's on the web, is trying to make it look as if the program is being successful. I have my doubts. I don't want twofers with notes and nothing extra. I want the promised multiple bonus tracks, or at least the albums presented faithfully as they were originally released, perhaps with some added historial information. The CDs aren't likely to sell a whole lot either way...why make a commerical concession when the whole process is going to turn a small profit, if any? It's sad that money is still the only thing Capitol can think of when dealing with the Beach Boys. Never mind that the Beatles, Bryds, the Who's and everyone else who ever picked up a guitar in the 60s' albums are released in deluxe form with bonus tracks and scholarly notes. (This is an exaggeration, of course. Mrs. Miller's classic albums have yet to be re-released in their original form.) No, the BBs are still responsible for turning corporate proit. Quite frankly, I'd rather the albums become cult classics on the bootleg circuit than be prostituted by small-minded accountants (preceded by the inevitable greatest hits package tied in with a John Stamos-led TV miniseries that will make the group more of a laughingstock than ever before). Capitol has irked the fans before, and I suspect they're about to do it again. I don't hold Brad Elliott responsible--he seems to be the proverbial good man caught in an extremely bad situation. But the line has to be drawn somewhere. The BBs have been commercial laborers long enough. It's time they be treated with a modicum of respect. January 24, 2000 After a long period of dormancy, I'm pleased to say that the site is changing quite rapidly now. Additions include a new message board, archived rants, improved and updated links, and a page describing my purpose here at "Brian Wilson: a solo artist." This is only the beginning, of course. The complete songs list is sorely in need of upadating and revision (John Barone was kins enough to send along some additions), and I will probably tacke it within the next few weeks. Content is the main mission of this site, however, and I plan on adding that, including section highlighting Brian's recent tour. There's lots to keep me busy, and many avenues to pursue. I am beginning work on a project that will expand beyond the scope of this page, however. A project that is still in the birthing stages, but may produce something entertaining and informative. I can't say much more about it yet. Within a week or so this page will start offering a few hints on this new phase of Brian Wilson involvement. I know that page chatter is often boring and useless. But this page aims to be a dynamic source of information on Mr. Wilson's solo career. With any luck, that will continue to happen. January 17, 2000 Welcome to the new year at Brian Wilson: a solo artist. The past semester has been a busy one for me, which meant my time and attention to this site was severely limited. I have every intention of returning to the site on a slightly more regular basis in the next few months. I'm excited, because after the past year of Brian's touring, the recorded material is out there and the process of listening and analyzing the tapes can begin. That's really what a site like this is about--looking beyond the next-day's reviews, trying to find the heart and soul of Brian's muse...the expression behind the music. My exemplar in this is Paul Williams, the founder of "Crawdaddy" magazine and an outstanding writer about Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys. Williams doesn't necessarily give you deep, technical understanding, but instead tells you how he, personally feels. It's a wonderful way to write about music as steeped in emotion as Brian's. As always, I'm interested in hearing from any visitors to this site. Leave a message on the guest book, or email me. Either way, let's get the discussion going and bring Brian and his marvelous muse and music into the new year...century...and millenium |
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