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"When I was a child, I thought as a child and spoke as a child; but when I became a man, I took that child out back and had him shot."- Bill McNeil, Newsradio |
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6/12/01- I told you earlier that I finally got a summer job. I have been working there a week, so I kind of know what I'm doing. I work at the Shop EZ Texaco station here in Kearney. It's not just gas and skittles, oh no! It's gas, propane, golf carts, pop, popcorn, hotdogs, nachoes, tobacco, beer, and live bait. They were teaching me how to close up and at the end of the day you are supposed to have a $300 drawer. To make things as confusing as possible, on 3 different nights, 3 different women told me 3 different ways to do it. Someday I hope to figure out what they were talking about. |
07/16/01- A month has gone by, how could I possibly sum up a month in one short paragraph? I would be cheating you, wouldn't I? But does one thing stand out above the others, that I could just ignore them? Goodness no! I do not have the heart to pick and choose what events you deserve to hear of and which ones are merely insignifigant blurbs. I could always create a brand new page, devoted to the events that shaped my summer so far. I imagine though, that such a page would take far too much of my time. Hmmm, it seems now that I am out of space and will have to make a decision before next time. |
7/24/01- First off, apologies for last weeks report. A well trained monkey broke into B.E.N. hq and created that mish-mash of nonsense. On to new business. I am currently working on a prototype for the new look of the main page. Hopefully to decrease the clutter. Also, a new page will replace the Fame page. It will feature stories about my relationships with my family and early plans are quite entertaining. Finally, I'm creating my own computer font. It's a cross between monaco and helvatica. I'm thinking of calling it, "Monatica." What do you think? |
8/12/01- A few short days ago I embarked on a grand adventure. With nothing but my wits at my command, I left the safe confines of Kearney Nebraska, and headed out west. In Denver, I was tested again as the heavens opened up and rain poured down on me. Was I afraid? A thousand times no! And the reward for my courage was concert stylings of the Barenaked Ladies. I would not have traded it for the world. If you ever get the chance to see them, grab it and hold on tight for one helluva ride. |
8/28/01- The school year has begun. I'm soooo excited. I can't sleep at night, cause I keep thinkin bout all the new stuff I'm gonna learn. I'm gonna meet soooo many new friends!! I hope I'll see my old friends again so we can talk about our summers and how much fun we had. I'm taking some pretty rough classes, like American Lit and Principles of Marketing. Hopefully I'll still have time to maintain this site. I've got some improvements to make and I hope you enjoy it. |
If you enjoyed this, we invite you to scroll down and view the previous entries. If you did not enjoy this, we invite you to scroll down and find one more to your liking. Tanks a bunch. |
9/10/01- Real quick update this week. I'm cranky because I didn't get a snack after my nap. I have made a decision. I, from this moment on, will discontinue use of the the phrase, "selling out." This is to make way for the phrase "gone corporate," which I feel more adequately describes the intended idea. Please feel free to join the bandwagon, cause there's always room for one more. Auf weidersen! |
9/26/01- Tommorrow I will join the ranks of the alcoholic beverage legalized buyer. I have a feeling it's going to be a let down. Sure I'll go to the bars, get free drinks till I puke, but then what? 21 is the last big birthday. Driving is 16, voting and tobacco 18, and 19 is lottery. After tommorrow, the only birthday I have to look forward to is 65. Isn't that the retirement age? Maybe I'm just full of it and should enjoy this. Supposed to be the best days of our lives and here I am whining. In case I don't seeya, Party on on. |
10/08/01- Just a little note to let you know where I'm at in this page design. I have received no applicants for the open staff positions, so it looks like I'll be running this place solo for a little while longer. Second, I have planned a few new pages to replace some old crappy ones. Third, the links page is going to be dismantled. Due to lack of interest, the links will be instead scattered throughout the other pages in banner form. Even though it will appear as if I have "gone corporate", I assure you, there has been no monetary exchange. Thanks once more for your continued support. |
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