So grab your nets, and get your specimen jars ready!
Let's go hunting!

The first thing you need to know about tracking one of these remarkable creatures, are the tell-tale signs of when he's near. A Flowbug is a creature of art and creativity, and he leaves many notable markings in his surroundings, which the vigilant hunter can easily follow. His distinct calling card is a branding of neon-green, usually left on a black background. This brilliantly colored marking will always be present wherever he has recently been, though it will not necessarily be as prevelant as it is on this site.
The Flowbug himself can usually be identified by neon-green markings on his person, particularly the shoelaces.
[explained here]
However, as he is an artist at heart, it is his works which stand out most undeniably. Currently, he is studying art and design, and trying to break into web page development.

If you're still not convinced, or if you'd simply like to see more of what he has to offer - have a look in The Specimen Jar
for the samples we've collected so far.
(a complete portfolio of his personal works.)
If you're curious about The Flowbug himself, check out his Habitat and his Anatomy. These will tell you more about who he is, where he came from,
and what he's doing.
If you'd like to talk to Flowbug, or if you're interested in having him do
some graphics and design work for you, you'll want to use the
Fly Ribbon to help you catch him.
Also, be sure to visit The Colony for links to other resources,
and related species.