Welcome to my pathetic attempt at a web page. I know that it still
has a long way to go!! It is best viewed with Netscape at 1024x768, so change to this to
browse through this page. It was also written entirely with GNotepad+ for Linux, so I haven't
got any fancy animations or anything yet. I would welcome any particular comments or suggestions.
If you want to send me an email click here
If you want to find out more about me, what I do and where I live and other stuff (in other
words, loads of really absurd, boring trivialities), click on the Me and my life link.
If you want to find out a bit more about my insane friends (who happen to be infinitely more
interesting than me!!) click on the Friends link below.
There's a bit about some of them, as well as a link to an interesting picture gallery (I promise I'll update these....I'm not a big taking the camera to a party person though. I wonder why!!! By the way, in case
you are one of these friends, you can send me your own description of yourself if you want (and a photo
would be great as well (unless you want me to scrounge around for the worst possible one available).
More seriously, I am currently studying at the University of
Melbourne in...you guessed it...Melbourne. I'm a first year Science/Engineering student, and it's sooo different to school. No more detentions, more nudity (I think Engineering fully deserves its reputation!),more beer, more funky, alternative clothing and no more sandwiches (sorry, I had to mention that, I really HATE sandwiches. If you want to find out more about my academic life and the subjects I'm doing click here or click on the "Serious Uni Stuff" link in the list at the bottom of the page
I also work part time at the Bentleigh store ofBlockbuster Video. I will always publish
my roster for the upcoming week here. If anyone comes in and says that they came in
to see me because they saw that I was working, I'll try (after getting over the initial shock) to get you something
for cheap...yeah right!!.
Finally, I went on exchange to Germany at the end of 1996, and, besides the massive drinking that went on, I made some great friends. My exchange partner has his own home page (he'd kill me if I didn't put a link to his page on mine).
If you want to know more about my trip there, and my partner's trip back here click here. |
List of Links to sections of this Home Page
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