Here are some pictures of recent months back home and from school that I thought were really good. Have a look at 'em.
Pics from this summa'
A few of my doggz finally graduated.
Da boyz at Prom. It wasn't our prom, we all got asked. Must be a high school thing to ask older guys. Thanks for a fun time Amy Scott. Phil went with Megan Hebert, Jason went with his love Shannon Doherty, and Dan went with...Jen Brown.
This was my boy Vicente and I. Vicente is from Valencia and is the jefe de chicas in Spain. He stayed with me over the summer. We are jefes in whateva place hombre! Wu-Tang Clan ain't nothin to F with!!!!
This was me and some very special people. My boy Vicente, his wonderful girlfriend Marina, and beautiful Isabel (Te echo de menos mucho).