Hi, My name is Dennis and I am 28 years old. I was born at a young age in a little town called Sutton, Massachusetts. I grew up in a family where my parents took my sister Christine and I to church every week. As I grew up I heard all the Bible stories such as David and Goliath, Noah and the Ark and about Jesus and his 12 Disciples, but I never really heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ clearly presented. That is until I was about 7 or 8. My cousin Tim invited me to a place called the Children's Haven, which is a Bible club for kids to go to so they can have fun with other kids and also hear stories from God's Word. I decided to go with him the next week and since I enjoyed it so much I continued to go each week. That winter, the teacher, Ms. Robbie was telling us about heaven and hell and how each one of us because of the sins in our lives are destined to go to hell. She also told us that Jesus Christ, God's one and only son, came to the earth about 2,000 years ago, lived a perfect life, and then died on the Cross to pay the payment for our sins so that we don't have to go to hell. She told us that all we had to do to accept this free gift was to admit that we are indeed sinners, turn away from our sins and ask Jesus to come into our lives and to pay the penalty for our sins. That day I asked Jesus to come into my life and to be my personal Savior. I continued to grow up and started getting involved in church more. I also continued to go to the Haven and eventually worked there in the summers at the camp that they have for children. In Jr. High I got involved with Word Of life Clubs where I was challenged to memorize scripture to help me in my daily life and also to have a personal Quiet Time alone with God, reading his Word and praying. It hasn't always been easy being a Christian, but it has been rewarding I never really got into any trouble growing up nor did I always spend the time I needed to with the Lord. It wasn't until I graduated High School and went on to the Word Of Life Bible Institute in upstate New York that God really got a hold of my life and started making me more like Him. I spent 2 years there studying the Bible and getting to know Jesus on a more personal basis. After graduating from WOL I went to Liberty University where I graduated on May 11, 2002 with a major in Youth Ministries and a minor in Psychology. I am now married to a beautiful young woman named Jewell. We met online while we were both attending Liberty, and started dating in November of 2000. Our Wedding was on June 23rd, 2007. I love her greatly and am going to enjoy spending the rest of my life with her. I believe the Lord has called me to be a Youth or Children's Pastor and I am currently pursuing the Church that God has for me to minister in. If you have never asked Jesus into your life, I would encourage you to do so. To learn more about it click here! |