Marching Song (PEP) Song
Words by Dorothy Stephens
Let's join our hands in friendship's golden ring,
And put our hearts' love in the song we sing---
A song of honor to our dearest friend,
A song of loyalty that will not ever end.
We love the crimson and we love the white;
We pledge ourselves to keep
her honor bright;
We proudly cheer her name with all our might---all our might!
Holmes High School!
Go Bulldogs
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the addresses listed below.
We have lost contact with the following
If anyone has information please contact Danny Salter!
Beverly Archey - Mrs Paul Anglin
Barabra Austin
Henrietta Bresch
Carol Cammett
Nancy Gill
Marjorie Gullett - Mrs Charles O'Bryan
John Henges
Harold Highley
Allen Hodges
Charles Hopkins
Janice Jennings
Ruth Kennedy - Mrs Ruth King
Joyce Ann Lyons - Mrs Donald Miller
Deanna Marsh
Robert Martin
Robert Miller
Marty Ridener
Cherie Ann Tate
John Thames
Ruth Wilhoyte
Music by Oscar T. Schmidt; Words by Dorothy Stephens
True blue as the blue of Kentucky's skies,
And strong with the strength of her ancient hills,
We are bound to old Holmes in loyal ties,
And deep in our hearts her dear name thrills.
Dear Holmes, theres a pride in our hearts for thee---
A love that the years will not take away,
A love that will live in our memory---
Dear Holmes, the love we pledge today.