Mr. Claythro Kaolin
Art Club E-Page
Also called: "HCCArt" and the "Tribe of Ben 2"

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Art Club Student Show Information Sheet

Read this before you ask questions!
Thursday, 22 April by 3:30 pm----Preferred deadline for 2-D work. The Matting Party begins at 4 pm. Get your art matted and shrink-wrapped while help's available.

Friday, 23 April by 3:30 pm----Deadline for work to go into the show. Art Club members will be on hand some of Thursday (22 April) and Friday (23 April) to accept entries; this is the best time to bring work in.

• Work is to be put in the Design Studio (CP-126 A), which is the first door on the left as you enter the Department of Visual Arts.

• The Art Club receives a 25% commission on any sales to support Art Club activities like this. We encourage you to place your work for sale. All sales are handled by the Art Club Treasurer or the Art Club advisor (Art Department Chair Ben Culbertson).

Please price your work reasonably, and with a set value. Any work not so priced will be listed as "NFS" ("Not for Sale"). Please use whole dollar amounts--no cents.

Friday, 23 April from 11 am until 6:00 pm, Saturday, 24 April from 10 am until 5 pm., and Sunday, 25 April from 11 am until 4 pm.: Set Up.
   Saturday is when we will assemble most of the Show, and when we most need help.

Need extra credit in an Art Class? Sign up to help!

• Do not take your work out of the Show early. It is very unfair to the other paticipants and unprofessional to have "blank" spaces appearing as the Show goes on.

Friday, 30 April from 3 pm until ?: Take down.

Need extra credit in an Art Class? Sign up to help!

• Any work left after Saturday, 22 May 2004 will be trashed, or it becomes the sole property of the Art Club, which may do as it likes with the work. The Art Department simply does not have the space to keep works from previous Shows. Note this deadline has been extended from Saturday, 15 May. It will not be extended again.

• Please plan to attend the gala Meet the Artists' Reception on Monday Evening, 26 April from 6 until 8:00 pm. There will also be a "Best of Show" prize and, perhaps, an "Honorable Mention" or two. These results will be made available at the Reception on Monday Evening, 26 April. Please attend the tribute to Prof. Nancy Crossley Blank at the Opening Recpetion on Monday, 26 Aprilat 7:00 pm in the Kepler Theater Lobby at your Reception.

Any work in the Show is like any work made in the Visual Arts Department: it may be photographed, or entered on the Evan Crossley E-Gallery,

• Please Note: Your work is not insured for this exhibition. However, every pain will be taken to ensure the safe return of your work. The Art Club cannot and will not be responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen work.

• We appreciate you allowing us to show your best work as a representation of what is possible in the Arts here at the college.

Art Club URL:        E-Mail:

~~~     The Art Club's Student Show Registration Sheets     ~~~

• Fill out all the information on the registration form.

• Detach the sheet on the dotted line and attach your art work with tape (on the back for 2-D works). Be sure to fill out both sections of the entry form, as one side will be used to generate a show list and labels for the exhibition. Please print legibly--it's your best chance at getting a correct label on your work.

• Please Note: Your work is not insured for this exhibition. However, every pain will be taken to ensure the safe return of your work. The Art Club cannot and will not be responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen work.

• Art Club URL:   |   E-Mail:  |  Price List of For Sale Entries
                           Winning Entries List

The Art Club at HCC
c/o: Professor Ben Culbertson,
Department of Visual Arts Coördinator
CP Building Area 126
11400 Robinwood Drive
Hagerstown, Maryland 21742-6590

Phone: 301/790-2800, extension 221

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